Trans Union disputes... New info..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by roni, Nov 23, 2001.

  1. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Just got off the telephone with them.... The "BKEV" method (where's my fee??) does work... The stipulation is that you can not be forced to use a local affiliate AND YOU CAN NOT HAVE ANY OTHER INVESTIGATIONS RUNNING! Inquiries should be held to the last item. They are the least of your worries! If you have any pending investigation, it will kick it out 90% of the time.

    I thought this might help.........
  2. mindylou

    mindylou Well-Known Member

    Bkev, so is Chester,PA the main office or what, they're the ones that keep sending my that STUPID contact the creditor letter.

  3. Bill B

    Bill B Well-Known Member

    they deleted inquires for me and report was mailed from zip 48068
  4. mindylou

    mindylou Well-Known Member

    Yep, thats the zip mine comes from, but they won't delete for me.

  5. Geo

    Geo Well-Known Member

    The Bkev method did not work for me!. I have disputed my TU Cr inquires following your instructions and I have received the same letter each time: " Contact the creditors etc ..."
  6. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    I'm on my second round of disputes of inquiries on TU. I tried different wording this time. Hopefully they'll come off. So does that mean I can call it the "pat" method? ;)
  7. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    I got 2 out of 4 inquiries off TU using the Bkev method. It really worked well on Experian where I had 7 out of 8 removed!!

  8. Bill B

    Bill B Well-Known Member

    Speaking of the devil...I got another updated report today and they deleted 3 more inquires which leaves me with only 3 more on my Tu report with a score of 655+ Thanx BKEV

    SPACECAT Well-Known Member

    What is this bkev method?
  10. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I must be in that 10%. EVERYTIME I have disputed inquiries with them, I have casualy thrown them in at the end of the 'big stuff'. All I say is never applied for credit-DELETE!. So I believe I started with 56 (then applied for a car loan which was shopped out which brought me up to 60 inquiries) I just checked worthknowing (which has always been dead on for me) and I am now down to 22 inquiries all from this year. So thank you thank you thank you BKEV!!
  11. SD

    SD Well-Known Member

    I have tried the Bkev method three times with no success. I was so sure it would work since some of you have been so successful. I think I'll try again anyway...
  12. SD

    SD Well-Known Member

    "2 is not a winner and 3 nobody remembers"

    Hey, a Nelly fan? =0)
  13. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    yeah where is the bkev method????
  14. Bill B

    Bill B Well-Known Member

    Ok my wife got the letter saying to contact the creditor and we live at the same place and same last name of course so go figure!

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