I am just starting to get my first round of disputes back from the big 3 for me and hubby- 22 inquiry deletions on experian on my first try on my husbands report! How did I mange that? The important stuff came back unchanged though and they deleted our mortgage account when I just wanted an update, so did equifax, I cant figure that out. Only got 3 inquiry deletions with equifax. I did exp inquiry disputes online.
I just got an email saying my DH investigation is complete and checked on there website and it listed his inquirys in investigation and after 22 of them it said DELETED, I just went crazy and disputed a ton of them, dont remember if it was all at once or 2 different times, but it worked and I still cant believe it.Next week I'll go for the rest!
Bkev, I think Bill was referring to this line from the original post to this thread: BTW, Your sarcastic comment was neither free nor accurate. Why are your posts so hostile? This is a place where people help each other to understand and take control of their credit and their lives. A place to help each other...not attack each other. That was my feeling of the intent of the CreditNet poster's when I found this place...It is what attracted me here, and why I remain here. Maybe if we thought about that each time we post, this petty bickering will disappear. -Peace, Dave
Great! On a recent Experian dispute online, I had 7 out of 8 inquiries deleted. I have 2 that I did not dispute because they come off in 04/02, but with that kind of success rate, I figure that I may as well! With Equifax, I had 2 out of 4 deleted. cariba
I looked through my notebook, but I cannot find the sheet that I printed out. I think there is a comment section at the end of the online dispute form. And I just said delete inquiries dated xx... I need to look for what I actually did. I hope I am not confusing this with what I did on TransUnion. I will look for it tonight and repost tomorrow. But 2 did come off. cariba
2 Inquiries? HOW? There is no area for you to dispute inquiries online for Equifax. That's the whole point... NO ONE has been able to get inquiries off of their Equifax report. They don't do it!
I previously had inquiries deleted on Equifax. One was a lawfirm trying to collect on a phone account I never had. Can't find paper, but 2 inquiries have dropped off way before the 2 year time frame. They are from this year. cariba
It seems too easy. What do you all think: Do they not have the time to investigate, or are the inquiries illegal?
where and how do you input a dispute on equifax online? more info and details would be much appreciated. thanks
He didn't do it online because we have a local EQ office, but my hubby disputed 1 inquiry with EQ last summer and it was deleted. I'm pretty sure I posted this recently in another thread. I don't know how others feel about it, but I really dislike it when someone tells me I am wrong about a fact in my own life. TU argued with me that they don't delete EVER and all our inquiries were deleted. I don't think there are alot of definites in this game. I think it's more like anything can happen. Cariba, congrats on the deletes!!
Thanks Terri! I know what happened. I don't believe in "NEVER". Before I found this board, I had a collection law firm inquiry deleted by EQ by saying I didn't know who they were and what they do. That was the sum of it. Nor do I feel the need to know everything! There is a whole bunch that I don't know due to lack of life experience, practice, etc. I can and am willing to learn from others. I do not like some people's methods, but I can keep that to myself. I also know that there is more than one way to skin a cat! I love hearing about you guys sucesses! I like that we can all reach the same end by many different means. My 2 cents: If you want Equifax inquiries removed, threaten the creditors. I have been sucess each time I contact a creditor--particularly for my TU report. It may take 2 CRRRs, but it's worth it. I have also started filing complaints with the creditors local BBB if they refuse after my first request. And online inquiry disputing with EX is da bomb! cariba
Cariba, I love online disputing! It is so easy! I have never tried your method of threatening creditors. I just may have to try that soon. I also like learning the many ways people have turned their negative credit stories into positives. Creditnet members are the best!!!
Well, the only reason I LOVE EX, is because you can check 4 and 5 times a day to see what dropped off. Other than that, I hate them! Well, the corporate entity, not the workers. I was only brave enough to do online disputing because I read about sucesses here. Creditnet members are the best! I actually enjoy doing all of this--have offered to help family and friends, but no real takers yet. Think my mom will let me look at hers soon, but I think her credit is fine. cariba