Let's begin posting updates regularly over the next few months. I need to know somebody else out there is dealing with this credit repair and rebuilding phase that I am in. Doodyhead, Christi ...... anyone else.... BTW. it was really depressing in the mall today because. the only thing i could focus on was fico scores need to get these d&*$n retail cards.
I'll post with you. I plan to use this long weekend to get some letters in the mail and get busssssssssy.
I checked credit expert last night and they gave me another 10 points. I am now only 17 points away from the 600 club WOOHOO! BTW I had 5 inquiries deleted TODAY from over a year ago and that didn't raise my score one bit. Kellie
Happy, Happy, Happy! Looks like I may graduate this month. I have been drafted to the 600 club via experian at 600 and Transunion at 640. Equifax I am still suffering.
I won't be graduating for a long long time : ( I will be happy to post to let ya know how its going. Right now I am waiting for some results - from equifax. We'll see if it helps any. It's going to cost me a pt or two, but my mother is going to pull my real estate fico's for me - I can't wait to see what the "REAL" ones are. I will post when I find out. Then we can compare to the "FAKE" ones.
I am on the 30 day countdown on validation letters and disputes..... I should know more in about a week. I have this binder with credit reports, copies of letters and printouts of threads from credit net. I will not be graduating for a while either, but I am determined to push my way out
Doody: Don't dispair. Two years ago, I was in the mid-high 400's club. I tried EVERYTHING! I did ok by myself. I disputed a few items on every report, every couple of months. Trust me there are many highs and lows. I admit it, I hired Junum for 3 months. They did well with Equifax (660) and Trans Union(725). Experian is my worst report at 601, a year ago it was 499, I've made a little progress. Coupled with the fact that I have to deal with the local affilate. Most of my degros were old charge off's were 5 years old. The strategy that worked for me was to dispute collection items ect, then if they verified it, demanded validation. Worked everytime. Almost every collection agency responded by sending me a letter tilling me they were removing their tradeline. NCO didn't respond to the validation but removed their tradeline 3 of them at one time. The only agency that didn't remove their tradeline from my Experian Report was Gulf State Credit. I am going to allow them to hang themselves. I am going to do that this weekend. I am going to inform them Gulf State Credit is in violation of the FCRA, and I would hate to include Experian in litigation since they are aware of the violation. If your scores are as low as you say, get busy. Start with about 4 disputes per CRA. Also, if something is verified by any CRA, ask for a procedural discription of how the item was verified (send certified return receipt). While disputing information, do not call the CRA, do everything via mail. This way if you have to go to your local magistrate, you will have proof of what you disputed and their repsponse or lack of. It's a long journey, many have traveled the road and had success, you will to. Just be persistant and document! GOOD LUCK!
This is one club I hate being a member of, but I am. My first round of disputes are due back anytime, I'll post them when I get them.
I am still there, but only w/ EXP-several difficult accounts that I take one step forward, 2 steps back ww/-creditors update/verify, duplicating my accounts now twice! I have had success w/ the other two though-into the 600s-and really only been at this seriously for about 6-9 mos. Unfortunately, guess what gets pulled every time I apply for something?
I'm just starting out on the repair journey. I'm in the hi 500's so I'll report as I go. I'd like to hear about anyone elses progress too.
Hello, I belong to that club but only on Experian. Equifax is 631 and Experian is 580. I haven't pulled TU yet. This is my first post but I've been reading the board for over 1 month now and it is great!! I'm working on some validation letters this weekend. I'm also dealing with Gulf State, they duplicated a chargeoff. I've heard they are pretty difficult to deal with but I'm ready with this board's help and the State of FL. I hope to be in the 700+ club by next summer. That is my goal.
I was batting 614 less than 30 days ago. Now because of 2 inquiries and some stupid mix up with my student loan I dropped back on CE to 569. I am too upset. What can I do about this? I will take care of student loan on Monday,
It is a "RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR" don't WORRY too much... I lost points when I paid off $30,000+ in one month...(NO IT WASN'T A BT).
https://www.econsumer.equifax.com/webapp/ConsumerProducts/pgConsumerProducts? ^^^^You have to go to here to get the ONLY customer accessible F.I.C.O. score... $12.95
I am in the club also! Right now the main thing raising my scores (INTO the 500's) is riding on my husband's coat tails. He does not have great credit either, but better than mine for several reasons. Since reading creditnet, I decide what he might qualify for, then if he gets it, he adds me as a joint account holder. (except Sears, who told us several times this was done, and how to do it, now I show as an au on my cr's, they are saying a new way to add me as a joint). I am not sure of my exact scores right now. Gearing up to harness the power of the holiday season
Hi! I am also a member of the club.....same thing happened to me as Kittw1....about a month ago I was up to 603....was so glad to have made it out of the 500 club then at the beginning of Nov. I dropped to 534! and I don't even know why.....now I am back up to 553 ....still trying to get out of the 500s ....hope to be there soon! These are just creditexpert scores haven't really been checking the others but they're all about the same, I think.
All: I'm in. I pulled my EQ report and it gave a score of 592. I've tried to pull the other two but they needed verification that I was who I said I was, so they won't send me a CR unless I mail them identification. I sent out five validation letters and should receive the responses within the next week. Dillards did respond but not with anything that validated any debt. It should drop off next month anyway so I'll dispute with the CRAs in Dec. I'll keep you updated. Looking for 600 by the end of the year. Shawn.