ANYTHING NEW ABOUT NEXT CARD OTHER THAN THE STOCK TOOK A 95% DUMP!?!?!? 52-week Range 0.6200 - 12.7500. They will be taken over, but by WHO, and WHEN???
If they TOTALLY "SHUT DOWN" with-out a buyer...YOU OWE NOTHING??? I had the PRIME + but it got JACKED to 9.99% MINIMUM... Wife's account is UNADVERTISED 9.99% 3 months with a "GO-TO" 18.99% + $50.00 BT's in the sock drawer... The card says PLATINUM...BUT 18.99% IS SUB-PRIME!!!
George, You'll not owe nothing. I agree with Lizardking. Nextcard's days are numbered. You'll just get a letter advising you to make payments to an FDIC receiver or a Chapter 11 bk trustee.
What's interesting is that the founders of NextCard were former Providian executives who decided to adapt Providian's controversial (and now failed) subprime customer acquisition formulas to the web. It only makes sense that NextCard is failing, given Providian's record. Doc
my son applied last month for next card, got approved for secured. Hasn't sent deposit, but got bill for fees and stuff. should he just cancel. he hasn't received card yet, because mom saw the post on them going bk
I do save every receipt, and every thing that comes in the bill. 95% DUMP IN THE STOCK... BAD I'M GOOD...I RESPONDED AGAIN, BEFORE YOU SAID IT...(my post is before yours)...
I agree that it looks like they are tanking. One of the problems we see every day on this board is the sale of assets from a failed company to a new company. It seems like there are always problems - you were in default, you missed a payment, etc. It would be wise for all Nextcard customers here to start keeping every peice of paper you have on Nextcard so you can prove what you owe when they go under.
PsychDoc | Proud Owner of an Insult-Free Signatureâ?¢ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAN I ASSUME YOU THINK MINE IS AN INSULT???
George, uhh, noooooo... it doesn't look insulting. Am I missing something? Fill in the blanks for me, and maybe I'll get it. (Then again, with my track record, maybe not, lol.) Wait, I get it (I think)... something to do with my FICO score? Doc
Oh, I get it. My last signature said, "George doesn't have anything for sale anyway." I was poking some fun at your "no ad here" line. My new sig is basically just a humorous commentary* on some of the insulting signatures we've seen in the last few weeks from a few different people on a few different topics, LOL. I'm thinking of 3 different pairs of folks who were jabbing at each other in their sigs, hehe -- hence, my "Insult-Free Signatureâ?¢"... I don't remember you having ever waged war with your sig, though, so you had me completely lost for a second there. You thought the second one was about you too? Maybe I missed your flame war, LOL. Doc *attempt at humor, that is