I sent in disputes to the big 3. The return request says they received on 10/23. I still haven't rec'd anything from them. Unfortunately, I again used a credit repair service. You think I would have learned after the Lexington fiasco. Anyway, they said to wait until Friday and see if I get the reports. My question is what is the 30 day limit? Is it the time they have to do the investigation and then add 3 or 4 days for mailing or am I supposed to have the credit reports in my hands by the end of the 30 days? I don't want to wait around for this, we are trying to get a mortgage and I have to get this done now. The credit repair service said that they are probably still investigating and I should wait. As I see it, as of 11/23 that ship sailed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Bobbi
I'm pretty sure they have 30 from the day they receive it, so that would be 11/23 then they are allowed 5 days to get it to your doorstep. Bringing you to tomorrow. Kellie
Although folks have the right to pay whoever they want, there comes a certain sense of power with doing it yourself. Maybe after two fiasco's , you are ready to give it a whirl??? Or perhaps be in a better position to hold credit repair agencies accountable??
30 days from when they start the investigation. CALL THE CRAS for an update or order the reports online if it's such an issue for you.
Uniondiva: Now that's one I agree with. I say that if a customer is unhappy with what he gets from a credit repair company at any time he should get a full and complete refund. 3 days, 30 day, 300 days, 3000 days. Makes no difference. If the customer is unhappy with what he got from the credit repair company and they don't do whatever it takes to make the customer happy in a reasonable period of time they need to just give the person back his money and be done with it. I think that kind of a refund policy is just good business practice. After all, you take a battery back to Wal-Mart that has a 2 year guarantee and you got just one day left on the warranty, what do you usually get? Another new battery or a refund certificate or your money back. Take a pair of brake shoes back to O'Reilly's Auto Parts or Auto Zone and what do you get if you bought the lifetime warranty? You get satisfaction. Take a craftsman tool back to Sears and what do you get? A replacement. Why do you think people buy their batteries from Wal-Mart? Why do they buy their brake shoes and other auto parts from Auto Zone and O'Reilly's? Why do they buy Craftsman tools? And other brands that give a solid guarantee? That's why credit repair companies ought to do the same and they should do it without being forced to do so by the government and/or a court of law. It's just good business, that's all
This time I'm using Financial Link Services. They said if they don't do the job they will give me my money back. Lexington said no way. Thanks for all the input Bobbi
No, mr brown, it hasn't sunk quite yet. It will only sink if we the people let it sink. then your statement It may be floating pretty low in the water right now, but it has not sunk yet. It will only sink if people don't wake up and smell the coffee pretty soon. If we let the hatchet job tactics of the credit industry beat us down, then the ship will truly have sunk. Let's not let those spreading the same old credit bureau pap deeply flavored with hate and discontent to prevail. If we do everyone loses and only the rich and powerful win as usual. It is the same throughout history. A great president died in Dallas, Texas in November of 1963 and he was not shot by a lunatic who had ties to the Russians His death had nothing to do with what the people were spoonfed. He died because just a few short days before he died he announced that he was going to return this nation to a stable new currency not printed by the bankers. The Federal Reserve is not a government agency but a corporate entity. FDIC. What do those letters stand for? They stand for Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and a corporation is not a government agency. What is a State Bar Association? It is an association of attorneys, not a governmental agency. But by obfuscation and pettifoggery the people are manipulated and controlled just like they are being controlled by the same tactics right here on credit net. If we fall for it, we are right back in the same old trap, right under their thumbs and bootheels.
As uniondiva said above, call and get the updates to your files. That's what I usually do--in fact, I call after the 2nd week to see what has been done. Mailing does take time. I did disputes on 10/24 with the 3 CRAs, and have only received an updated report from EQ so far. I imagine the others will arrive on Fri. cariba