2 CRA reporting same account

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by passion, Nov 27, 2001.

  1. passion

    passion Active Member

    Hi All,
    I have a paid account that was sent to another collection agency (GULF STATE)... as not paid.The Last Activity Date from the frist Collection agency, that shows paid is 10/95.. However GULF STATE is has listed the Last Activity Date as 7/2001.. for the same account unpaid.. I disputed it as not mines..But it will come back as mines because it is the same as the paid account.

    How should I proceed if it comes back verified..
    I spoke with experian.. she said that a creditor can hire as many colleciton agencies as they want...
    and report it twice on your report......

    The orginal paid balance is $101... they have it as 95.00 unpaid....

    This is due to fall off my report next year 9/2002.. according to the first collection L.A.D...

    What should I do?

    On another note...I had a collection deleted and after 2 months it was re-inserted....

    I asked the CRA and they said A Creditor can report this as many times as they want, even after a deletion....

    What can I do about that of anything?

    Any help?.......
    Thank you....

    Happy Holidays....
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    They can't continue to "hire" collection agencies (the debt is being resold) after the debt is paid, report it as unpaid, and re-age the debt. This is BS. First, send validation letters to the collection agencies that are reporting this. Stop dealing with these idiots over the phone. Put everything in writing, certifed, return receipt.

  3. passion

    passion Active Member

    Thanks for the advice I wil do just that!..
    Once again....

    You are a welcome breeze...(smile!)


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