I disputed some inquiries online with TU. Today in the mail I received a letter that stated they will not remove these that I must go through the creditor and aks them to request removal from TU. Anyone else run into this? I have been very successful in getting all my inquiries removed from experian. Has anyone found a way to get them removed from TU? Another question.....I also disputed some derogs online with them but am wondering if they received them....when I check my credit report nothing is notated as "in dispute" like it is with experian. Does anyone know if TU identifies items that are in dispute? Thanks.
I am having the same trouble...three attempts...three of those stupid letters. I am all ears for any suggestions on how to deal with them on this issue. Regards to all S.
I'm having the same problem It seems that it's the luck of the draw. Some people here have been very successful at disputing inquiries online w/TU. Others, like myself, keep getting denied. I'm going with Pam's idea ("Keep disputing til you get lucky!!!!") until I find something better. Either they'll get tired of me and take them off or I'll get tired of disputing them and they'll fall off on their own. The interesting thing is that TU is only required by law to keep inquiries (Non-employment related) for one year, yet they keep them for two. So I wonder what effect, if any, they have on your score, once they age past one year. We know that they count the most in their first 6 months. I have another post related to this: http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=108003#post108003