Does this sound baddddd or what???? Well, I guess it's to the bottom of the barrel for me! My TU is like 659 but that doesn't mean a hill of beans I know. I finally paid to get it from Equifax and am relieved i can dispute online instead of having to deal with choicedata by mail. I'm going to work on some of these lates (during chp 7) and old inquiries in December. Good luck everyone!! Hope we all get some good out of it!
My BK was in 1996 and I started off shortly afterwards in the low 500's on all 3. As of this past March, I was at 647 - Equifax, 613 - TU, and 570 - Experian. Anyone know why Experian would be showing so low? They are still showing "open" accounts for my past 3 vehicles even though each time I get a new car, that loan is closed. Can that affect my score? If so, how do I get it removed. I need to get the Experian score in line w/ the others so that I can refi my house. Advice appreciated!!!