west virginia I was sued for money that this friend of ours gave us, back in 1998, and told me not to worry about paying him back $900.00, after this person told me that he was in love with my 16 year daughter, I told him he wasn't allowed to call or come to our house, this was in July of this year and it took until September to go to court ( mag. court) we lost, we were going to appeal, but my husband said no, we will pay the money back to get this person out of our life, we were making payment by check, but this person wasn't cashing them, then 4 weeks letter my employment was sent a certified letter to garnish my wages, they allowing me to pay this person in full, which I have the full amount to give him, but he won't accept, he wants to garnish my wages, I called mag. court, and they said it was a fight between us, we were making payments, now willing to pay the full balance, but they are telling me he don't have to accept, i don't know what else to do, I've got until next Wednesday to get this problem taken care of, any suggestions?
Trying to clarify... Was the letter sent to your employer a certified letter from the person you owe money to or from your district court?
Would it be possible to take the funds to the courthouse and explain that he will NOT accept the payment and ask that they give it to him? That is the craziest thing that I have ever heard. It seem this guy is a real winner. If what I suggested does not work (which I don't see why it wouldn't) sue him for defermation of character for trying to cause problems at your workplace. Also, if he made the moves on your daughter sue his sick butt for sexual assult. JERK
What on earth?? He doesn't have to accept the money? I never heard of anything like this. It's idiotic. I think I would sue him back for something and garnish his wages. On second thought I think I would sue the court. Good Grief!!
I completely agree with ohnostuck! You should be able to go down to the courthouse and pay the cashier/clerk of the court.
Let me get this straight...you were ORDERED to pay this dog his money, you have tried to pay it to him and he will not accept it, and you went to the courthouse and they refused to take it as well. I highly suggest that you go to the courthouse and speak directly to someone OTHER then a cashier. I do not see how a court or plaintiff can rufuse money that was ordered to be paid.
I would go to the Court Clerks Office and ask them for the procedure for paying a court ordered judgement.
Where in the world is this KANGAROO COURT??? You may as well appeal you ain't getting him out of your life this way anyhow. What the H*** is wrong with this court. Don't they know that's what the courts are for -resolving peoples differences? Seems to me that if he has the right to refuse payment you would also have the right to refuse to offer payment in any form. If it were me I would find a way to hang this guys A** one way or another come H*** or Water. The court would be next on my list: What kind of a Gestapo are they running there anyway?==========================
Wonder how much this guy paid the court to get his way? Perhaps you should sue him in another different court:
I would be leery of paying this court sounds to me like this clown and the court are in cahoots on this .