My husband had 6 collections on his account rangeing from 5- 40.00 .I sent them the validation letter from this group and they removed them.
Yes... These are some real winners. I had a $227 Directv collection from about 2 years ago that suddenly appeared on my Trans Union and Equifax report. I called them and offered to pay with the stipulation that they delete. They said no and would not budge. I even said ok... here is my phone number, if you wish to collect this money just give me a call and agree to remove the information, and they said no deal. I waited for about 2 weeks then I ended up just paying it off because I am getting ready to get a mortgage for a house. Once I paid off the collection and requested a faxed letter so I could give it to my mortage broker, they said that they would have to mail me a letter because they don't have a fax machine for outgoing faxes. I was fuming at this point and hung up. Skynet83
Allied Interstate s*cks. These people are both evil and incompetent. They had several of my student loans. Not only did they ding up my credit report with inquiries but the never credited several of my payments. Part of the reason I consolidated my loans was not to have to deal with these idiots anymore.
Joy, if they send me something to prove the debt is mine I need to get it back to the original creditor