Of the board members who took ING up on their promotion to open an account a few months ago with as little as $ 10.00 and receive a $ 50.00 bonus...do you still have the account. have you been satisfied with their service, do plan on remaining with them and more importantly.... Are there any other deals out there like that one? The interest in my account just keeps growing.
I still have ING. I use it as a spare account. There is only about $20 in it, because when I get interest, I pay myself. They just added a new feature, online statements. I chose that instead of a snail mail one. Overall, pretty happy with them.
I still have mine too...I like it cause I can't just go to an ATM and yank out the money. It's not tangible at the press of a button. Good way to SAVE
I still have mine, have auto deduction set up for savings. Love it. Never had to use the service dept.
Wow, I'm surprised that so many of us kept the account. Did I mention, I still have mine too. Any other free money great deals?
I still have mine also. There's only $75 in there, but I plan to start a scheduled savings plan in 2002.
I have mine also, started it in September. I've got about $400 in there. I have auto deductions from my checking account every week. They have been very good for me.
I have one too, but didn't hear about it on the board. I installed quicken 2002 and it placed an icon on my desktop that mentioned a $50 bonus. I have money automatically moved to the account twice a month. Out of site, out of mind.
I still have mine as well..I just toss a few bucks in here and there..Never had a problem.. I am thinking of putting my daughters savings into it too 4 her.. Any other great money deals? **YES** If you have a JOINT checking account..Send your spouse a email to join..Sign up and use the same checking account..You get $35 $10 for referral and $25 for joining
I've still got mine open too.. They're an easy company to deal with.. If you've got debt @ 18%, you might be better off paying that off first instead of putting your money into a 3.75% account.. You're essentaially losing 14.25% on that money each month.. jmart
I don't suppose this promotion (or any other) is still going on is it? It sounds like a really good idea, especially if it doesn't result in any problems.
You can refer people and they pay you $10 and give the person opening the account $25 but there is no $50 unless you buy quicken or something
I think you can get it if you have a registered version of Quicken on your machine. I think that is how I got it. Quicken came on this machine, and when I registered the machine purchase with Sony online, it registered all my software also. somebody post the link and y'all try it if you have any version of quicken that's registered, see who gets it and who doesn't.
When I tried it after the messages here it worked fine and they gave me the $50 for a $10 deposit. I do have quicken registered so maybe that is why it worked for me. Kinda scary if you think about it. I still have them and add to it every now and then. John
I have a thread on ING that some of you might find helpful...in any case, I would welcome your contributions! http://www.fatwallet.com/forums/messageview.cfm?catid=52&threadid=58648 Thanks, Dave