I had applied for Target Visa and was rejected. I wrote a letter though Planetfeedback asking if they would reconsider and to please look past my 5 yr old b/k and 1 30 day late from sev years ago (damn Victorias Secret). And to please look at my 14+ year PERFECT history with both Target Guest Card & Mervyns (both Retailers National Bank cards). They e-mailed me back with an 800 number asking me to call. I called and was told that they only keep apps for 7 days and he would have to order a copy of my app. I called back tonight and told my story. The pulled my application and asked me if I received a letter of why I was denied. I told her again that yes, that was why I sent the letter through planetfeedback and I was requested to call this number. She said I was denied based on information on my credit report and I am entitled to free credit report that I can revue (DUH!!!!) and that should explain everything. I thought you were going to do a manual review of my application and she said Target Visa is solely score based and I didn't qualify. Again she told me I was entitled to a free credit report. I said thank you so much. The letter of denial wasn't humiliating and degrading enough. I'm so glad I could hear it personally. My Mervyns is paid off and I owe a small balance on Target. I'm going to pay if off in December and close both my accounts. I told her my many years of history obviously do not count for anything with Target so they obviously don't care if I'm a customer or not. She thanked me and hung up!
Don't ya wish you could call her at home and hang up on her?? I know this must be frustrating. I got denied for Target Guest Card and I have had my Mervyns for eons. Oh well...I figured I'd try again later. I'm so sorry to hear how they treated you. That really is over the line. Why bother to tell you to even call. Hang in there.
I have the same story. I was denied then sent a letter through planet feedback and got a responce to call their 800# and so I did. They said the same thing. They were rude and i asked why they even sent the letter. She told me it was a standard letter. I said "nice to know you take the time to listen to people". She was so rude I dont think I will ever get/want to do business with them! She stated the same garbage to wait get letter then if i want re apply in 60 days. WHY I have great credit @#!@# NO THANKS!
Maer, What did they tell you the score had to be? Find out what bureau they used, dispute the derogatory accounts, wait about 10 days into the dispute, check your score online and apply at that time if your score qualifies. CardKid
they said they will not give the score need to apply, that would be disclosing there business practices!!!! LOL
She refused to give me the magic score number as well. The pulled TransUnion which is 665. Experian is 620 & Equifax 680. The only negatives are an old 30 day late from Victorias Secret that the bureaus refuse to re-investigate (I was only 1 day late, VS says it doesn't matter 1-29 days late still is considered 30 days late). By the way, this is listed as the number one reason I'm not scoring betterr. It actually says "too recent or length of time unknown since last late payment" This occured several years ago but it only lists it as "1 time 30 days late in last 48 months". I'd say the late was maybe 3 years or so. Again, bureaus refuse to reinvestigate so I can get an exact date and VS says I need to contact the bureaus. Then I have a nearly 5 year old C7 and all the associated accounts that went with it. They are all showing as "included in b/k" Next is my rather high account balancess on a couple of cards. I have I believe about 20 positive accounts with 3 of them showing a high balance. All the rest are 0. Next were the number of inquiries which are between 3-5 on the reports. I had previously charged about 150.00 worth of Christmas gifts at Target. I returned them all today and made a payment for the remainder of my bill. I will call on Monday and close both Target & Mervyns account. I will then write another letter explaining why they not only lost a credit card customer but a store customer as well. Fortunately there is a WalMart near by. I will add not to bother responding for me to call their 1-800 number as I received their message loud and clear. This is not a matter of sour grapes because of the decline. The initial decline was ok. I understood it, I simply wrote a letter requesting they look past that and into my long & perfect history with them. They chose instead to raise my hopes and then make me feel like an idiot. That is the business practice I am opposing.
Maer- your credit profile is very close to mine. The scores are +/- a couple of points. Instead of a c7 mine was a c13. Still don't get why you were declined. The reason code that gave you is bunk! Best regards, Mirage
So you have an account that doesn't have the date of late payment too? Isn't that BS. My car loan has the same thing.
Maer, My scores are pretty close to yours too. I'm roaming in the 660-680's. I still have a Experian I have about 6 derogs, Equifax 4 and TU only 2. I think in 2003 I could be in the 700 club. I have a guest card but I didn't get a Target Visa. They probably would have only given me a G(rand) if I did get approved. Don't need anymore $1000 cards. Got plenty of them!
Yes that is probably all they would have given me as well. After about 8 years (whenever they first came out) of having a guest card my limit is still only 600.00. (It was 300.00 - thanks to this board I've been calling in for increases every 4 months). My Mervyns limit is $1000.00 (up from 600.00 - again thanks to this board) I don't need another 1000.00 card either. Capital One (6800.00) & Providian (5500.00 & 2200.00) have been good to me (again - thanks to this board-before that I don't think they realized I existed) however DMB & Orchard are very very stingy with me. Orchard is only 500.00 (up from 300.00) & DMB is 1300.00 (up from 500.00).
I have DMB too I have the semi secured account. They refunded $500 of the $600 they have of mine this summer. So I am still a "secured" card holder and not eligible for alot of the services they offer. My only recent offer has been Kmart, but I think they will give me $1000 too. Once I do go prime I'd like to have three good cards at the most to include retail.