I just received a secured FCNB MC and Visa with a $750 credit limit each. The interest rate is 19.8%. How flexible is FCNB about reducing the rate once the accounts are unsecured and you have a good payment history?
They told me that you have to attain a certain FICO score to get a lower apr, which is 680, in my belief. They won't tell you but I figured it out by how many points retention said I was away from the promised land. The lowest apr they offer right now is 14.9 last time I checked with them in September. I hope this helps.
How do you get both? I have the mastercard, but have never heard of their Visa? It's not online, I just checked.
When I received my approval letter for my mastercard there was a mastercard and visa logo on it. So I called customer service and asked if I could apply for a visa since I had just gotten the mastercard. They entered all the info into their database, approved it on the spot and withdrew my $250 directly from my checking account. They gave me a 300% credit limit so I have two cards with $750 each.
So maybe I could just call the CS number on the back of my card and ask huh? I've had it since April with NO lates....well 1 but it was their mistake, they posted my payment to someone else's account and I had to send copy of front & back of my check. About the APR, I have no idea sorry
My experience is no. The rate is determined by LIBOR plus some margin. Because interest rates are low, I am at around 17.8%--but I pay it off in full every month, so I really don't care. They do not seem to be flexible. cariba