Mr. Cooke Success! Capital one

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by roni, Dec 3, 2001.

  1. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    I had great results from planetfeedback. Today Mr Cooke called me offered me a $1000 increase and my apr was lowered to 9.9% from 13.9%. Cool! That is in addition to the $300 increase I got from customer service last week. So, now I am at $4500 with Capital one w/ 9.9% apr. I am content with that. He told me to call back in 6 months for some more goodies.
  2. romanduv

    romanduv Well-Known Member

    congrats roni.

    Just $500 away from their platinum card!

    Mr Cooke rocks, and is the only reason I still keep my cap1 card. How long have u had the card?

  3. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Thanks Roman. I got the card in 11/99. I asked him about the platinum card and he said I was close and could probably get it in 6 months. I am having a fabulous credit year. Look at the comparison.

    In 1999 --- nada! 4/99 FNBM $200 secured and Capital one secured 11/99. YIKES!

    In 2000 ---- I got First Premier, Providian, FCNB, Spiegel, Orchard, MBNA line of credit, Chase classic, Citibanks (2) and a car loan with Household.

    In 2001 --- I got Target, Wachovia gold, Household gold and GM card (both closed), Capital one combined 2 accounts in feb and increased credit line from $2500 to $4500 and reduced apr from 18.9 to 9.9, AMEX (oh yes) gold card and gold delta skymiles, target Visa Card, Victoria Secret, Macy's, and I bought a townhouse.

    I have improved BIG TIME in a short time. Boy Am I
  4. jonesing

    jonesing Well-Known Member

    way to go roni!!! I want to get on top of things and make 2002 a banner year!
  5. amaineman

    amaineman Well-Known Member

    Way to go ... Your hard work has paid-off.
    : ) 2002 should be looking good.
  6. marci

    marci Well-Known Member


    Once you reach platinum status ($5000 credit line), then you may want to call Mr. Cooke again to see if you can transfer your Visa to the no hassle platinum MC, which has better over all terms. Hopefully this is possible without sacrificing account history.
  7. freedom777

    freedom777 Well-Known Member

    I'm new on the board...Who is Mr. Cooke?
    I have 2 Cap 1 can I upgrade them?

  8. romanduv

    romanduv Well-Known Member

    Mr. Cooke is the consumer advocate for Cap1. He can do wonders for your account, all you have to do is ask.

    To contact him, go to, launch a complaint that your terms are less than they should be, and ask for anything you think you deserve. He will contact you within a day.

    Do a search for cooke or for miller (he has the same job), to hear of some of the success stories our memebers have had with him.

  9. dinob12

    dinob12 Well-Known Member

    I called Mr Cooke today and was sent to his VM..Explained my situation and the offer I got for a $200 credit line for a deposit of $200..Asked him to reevaluate my account to see if that was the best offer he can get for me..I have 4 other accounts with great payment history and hopefully he will take that into consideration..I may call again tomorrow and then write a letter via Planet Feedback
  10. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    What is the phone# for Mr. Cooke? Or is it better to PFB Cap 1 and then wait for a response?

    Please let me know, I need to get my APR lowered.
  11. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    please do planetfeedback first, request what you want and he will do all he can to do it before you calls you back. give account info at planetfeedback
  12. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member


    Well, I PFB's Mr. Cooke on Sunday. As of yet I have not heard anything from him. Was hoping I would have a happy Mr. Cooke story!

    Maybe he is backlogged because all the creditneters are contacting him!


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