Gang, I owe a great deal thanks everybody on this board. After following the advice of the most of you on this board, I started a documenting all the FCRA violations against equifax. I gathered the kahunas to file a suit on the 13th of November. I had a call from a very nice lawyer from equifax today and he is willing to take every derog of my report and get this, all this will be done today and a copy of the CLEAN report will be sent to me by the end of day today. Guys, I am so giddy I don't know what to do with myself. Thank you everyone, the hardwork does pays off. THANKS.
How many violations did you have on them? What were they? I'd walk miles to have everything whooshed off. Oh well... DB
I am so impressed with all the knowledge on this board, to think just 3 months ago I would never of thought that I had a right to dispute anything and I would have waited out the 7 years, Can you tell me if any where true derogs that were just not validated, cuz all of mine are, but no one is sending me back any verification?1
I got a letter from him yesterday suggesting we should setup sometime today to chat regarding my lawsuit with equifax. I called this morning and left a message. I was extremely polite and he asked me to walk him through the violations I have with equifax. I pulled the paper work and did exactly that. He asked me if it will be possible for us to settle this before the court date and I said sure. He recommended a clean report and being the tough negotiator that I am (lol), I asked him to throw in a fico score. I told him I filed the suit because I wasn't getting them to do what they are suppose to do I needed a third party to hear my complain. He apologized for my troubles and said he will make a couple of phone calls and get a the report today. I have dealt with a few lawyers, this guy was very nice. I will give him that much. I had about 6 derogs, ranging from unpaid chargeoff to 30-day lates. Once again, I thank everybody for all your help. This is what we have accomplished..... A clean Equifax report, a clean TU report and the only blemish I have on Experian is 1 30-a late from 1997 experian. I started in May'01 and you will not believe what I had on my reports when I started. I will post the details of my report before I started when I get home.. Thanks gang.
I will say about 95% of the derogs on my report was self-inflicted. My main complaints were failure to send me the verification process used in verifying some of the derogs. The issue wasn't wether the information is accurate or not, I couldn't verify the information so I did not expect them to be able to verify it either. I also got them on the fact that one of my best tradeline disappeared for no reason. I got the creditor to send me a letter saying they did not authorize the removal. I also got them on their refusal to remove a paid collection as request by the CA. That was it. Not very complicated stuff but I had documents up the wazoo. I am not very knowledgeable about this process but i have employed some basics skills acquired from the pros from this board. Document your ying-yangs off and go get them.
Lizard - I had to put a dollar amount on the small claims suit or the court would not accept it for filing. When I had them served, I also sent an offer of settlement in return for deletion. The problem from what their atty. told me was that the corp. officer who was served never forwarded my offer of settlement to the lawyer. He didn't even know about it until I mentioned it. After he found out about the offer to settle and realized that I would hire a lawyer to fight it out, they settled. I am under the impression that if the lawyer had the original offer to settle, it probably would have been done immediately. As it is, it took about 2 months but I got what I wanted.
Lizardking, I just sued for violations of FCRA but I indicated my intent to sue letter there is a possibility of suing for other violations later. I know this board is monitored by some the CRA's but I am not worried because I have solid documentation to back up my claims.
I think I need to sue somebody. With all the problems I see on my online equifax report. Items that should have been deleted but equifax is not doing what the reps said they are suppose to do. Would anyone help me out with this?
I'm glad that you resolved it, but it seems that they're getting off easy. It took ACTUAL LEGAL ACTION to make them do what they should have done in the first place. This business about having to prove damages (per the FCRA) gives them an out too often. I don't see any punishment-- to send a message that their actions are unacceptable. While it sounds too late to ask, don't you, at least, want to recover the cost of filing the suit? Those who settle on the courthouse steps need to pay more than they would have paid inside the building. In this case, they don't have to pay anything, and they don't have a black eye in the public records. They're loving it.
Roni, I hear you. I just got the run around for much too long and just couldn't take it anymore. What did I have to lose?
G. Fisher, You are probably right. I was just too hyped up that I was finally getting through to somebody I wasn't thinking about that. I have just battled with these guys that I just wanted to put it to rest. The way I look at it, it would have cost me way more than the filing fee to get someone clean my report for me. I might be mistaken but I think I read somewhere on this board that someone is charging 300 per tradeline deletions. At that price, I think I made out pretty well.
And the beat goes on. And the beat goes on. Look at it this way: If 20 million consumers (conservative) have errors on their reports that costs each consumer 1 cent (and because it's such a minute amout they either don't notice, or don't care), and not doing anythng about it saves the CRAs 1 cent, the CRAs make out-- to the tune of $200,000. Here's another one. I agree to pay $10.00 (instead of the maximum $8.50 allowed) for my consumer disclosure, if they can just get it right. If they get 10 million orders, that's fifteen million dollars they could spend on fixing their doofy system. Who's with me?
Fand123, Did you correspond with the credit bureau using certified mail? Also, what were the steps you took in filing your suit? Thanks. CardKid