Inquiry Deletions from EQ or EX???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MartysGirl, Dec 4, 2001.

  1. MartysGirl

    MartysGirl Well-Known Member

    Has anyone here managed to get hard inquires removed from either Equifax or Experian?
  2. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member


    I had 7 out of 8 removed by disputing EX ONLINE. I have had some removed off EQ, but they are stingy. Hard to do. With EQ, I am directly contacting the businesses that pulled the inquiries.

  3. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    I have never had a problem with Experian. In fact I have had a few inquiries deleted the same month I got them via online disputing.

    EQ has not removed a one.

  4. star

    star Well-Known Member

    I have had around 30 between me and hubby come off with experian, I just went for the rest last night, the other two reports I have had no luck
  5. rockbottom

    rockbottom Active Member

    Is the consensus to delete all inquiries or just the ones that supposedly appear only to businesses (ie PRM, AR, etc.)

    As a newbie I assume hard inquiries are the non PRM, AR, etc. entries?

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