Well, I recieved my first pre-approved offer in over a year. It is the Kmart Gold MC from Cap1. No annual fee. 0.0% till March 2002 on Kmart stuff.(I need tires) Variable. Anyone have experience with this one? I already have one of their classic cards at a whooping $500 limit. Its my only active tradeline so I could use another one. I am in just beginning my repair journey. Would it be better to wait it out for a bit till my score is up some (now-574)? Will they pull a hard report on me? What kind of trade line can I expect? They say it goes up to $1000 but I expect $200. If I wait would can I expect other offers soon? Any feedback is helpful on this one. Thanks
Worked my way up to 2k on my classic (green) Cap 1, got lucky they offered it at 9.9% with a $200 line 31 months ago. I have had K-Mart Cap 1 for six months, got 0% on purchases at K-Mart. $200 credit line, $100 reserved for K-Mart. If the line increases the K-Mart reserve stays at $100. Down side 2 chances to go over the limit each month. $4 monthly fee, no increase yet and I have talked to customer service and Mr. Cooke. Received other concessions instead. I would choose another Cap 1 classic card instead. If you have a visa get a mastercard. They seem slow to raise limits on the K-mart card. Affinity cards can not be combined in the future, regular cards can.
Yes, I got approved for Kmart Card from Capital one on last October. They initially approved for $2500. I haven't used it for two or three months and they raised my credit lines to 5500 withoust asking. By the way, they send me pre-select application from themail and with the fixed rate of 11.9%. Plus later on they convert Kmart Mastercard with rewards. It is not a Gold Kmart M/C and it just a regular one. Ron.
here is the link for on-line application for Kmart Mastercard: http://apply2.capitalone.com/5436/1-97/index.jsp?s=05436001097XXL111XX9BLULIGHTXX Ron.
Denied.... and I just got to 601 fico today and probably went right back down to the 500's with that inquiry...injury.....if at first you don't succeed...wait a while and try again! Dang it! oh well....
Did you get the "requires further processing?" I got the "requires further processing blah blah blah" with a very similar score. Damn inquiries.
Definitely denied....and they'll send me a letter to why...no further processing...however...I'm really not that upset because I have three accounts with cap1 already...2 classic and 1 gold...so the inquiry could have very well have been a mistake...tee hee...catch my drift....I just got the gold in september so that may be why, not sure.....injuries s*ck!
I have had a good experience with the Kmart Cap 1. I think it definitely is a good credit rebuilding card. They have been very nice to me also because I goofed up a payment or two confusing them with my standard Cap 1 card and they fixed it, deleted late charges, ensured it wouldn't affect my credit rating. I looked over my old credit reports, and they pulled Experian and TU. One neg student loan entry on Transunion, score 15 whatever that means (think it's bad). Experian score 676. I started with the minimal $200/$100 non-Kmart purchases limit in February. Called them in Sept and they lowered my interest rate from 19.8 to 15.9. My limit has also since then been raised to $600/$500 non-Kmart purchases limit. Waited a few more months to call back again. I certainly recommend them, while it's no fancy platinum card, they seem to be receptive to limit and int rate changes and I personally have had excellent customer service. Good luck.
I received the Kmart pre-approved offer about a year ago when they first began the program, after having the Cap1 Classic ($500 limit) and having one of Cap1's Gold cards. I got a $200 limit on the Kmart card. However, they only allow $100 of the credit line to be used anywhere Visa is accepted. Not sure how they break it up for larger lines of credit. I have found that Cap1 is a good company to rebuild credit. Cap1 was the first company to extend itself to me when I was credit-less and really in a hole financially. Don't laugh too hard, but my score was in the 170 range just two years ago and now its rising, at about 540-584 right now. I'm working on removing a few remaining derogatory marks now...we'll see what happens.
I don't think I'll go for it. I'm cleaning up the report and don't want the inquiry. Last time I waited until I got a pre-approved unsecured after several offers of secured cards.\ My score should be higher in a month or two and maybe I'll get a better offer. Kinda like fishing......don't take the first bait.....