Just Approved for Citibank AA Cards

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by cariba, Dec 4, 2001.

  1. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    Well, the deal on the house I was planning to purchase fell through, so since I have 6 months before I will probably close, I decided to try.

    Got silver: $6500
    Gold: $5000

    They say they have to verify. I am a little worried because I work on a contract basis for 3 different agencies, and I may not be working at the one I put down when they call. I"ve got my fingers crossed.

    My first prime cards! I am SOOOOO HAPPY!

    And thanks to all who posted on how to go about applying for both. Now I have to research how to combine and convert when they come!

    cariba (a very happy camper)
  2. romanduv

    romanduv Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    Congrats, and welcome to the club!

    This is the first time I've heard of somone getting a lower CL for gold than silver. strange.

    This card has become the unofficial card of creditnet'ers (well, since cobalt card kicked the bucket).
  3. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    I thought that was strange also.

    Oh well, I am going to combine/convert. Now, what do I do, convert one to Platinum Select, and then combine the other one into it?

  4. romanduv

    romanduv Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    No, the other way around. First combine, then convert. You can't combine a platinum sel. and an AA card, but u can two AA cards or two plat. sel. cards (silly, I know). You can do it in about 3-4 days, when your cards hit their computer systems. Doing it like this, I got my canceled AA card and new converted platinum select card on the same day (about 10 days after approval).

  5. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    Thank you--I would never have know any of this if it were not for this board!

    Now I need to get a couple of retail cards. I am thinking of Sears and Home Depot.

  6. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    I had the same weird limit thing happen to me. I applied for the Platinum Select and the AA Gold. I was approved instantly for the Platinum Select with a $5,000 credit line and then approved in the mail for the AA Gold with a $9,000 credit line.
  7. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    You can combine a AA card with a platinum select if you want. Who ever told you that was mistaken..

    You can combine any citi card with any citi card.

  8. romanduv

    romanduv Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    The target guest card is also easy to get. Its pretty useful if u shop there.

  9. bauhaus

    bauhaus Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    Same thing happened to me. At the same limit amounts even.
  10. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    Also, my rate is not great. Prime plus 9.9--I am at 15.4%.

    How long should I wait before getting that down? Can I do that while I combine and convert.

    I have been itching to do this for a month now! I researched on millcbs.com to see what CRA they would pull and what score I would need.

    Now I can tell Providian to kiss Miss Cariba's buttocks. I had PFB's them twice to get better rate and platinum card. I have had them for about 3 1/2 years. Now it is time to say "You are the weakest card goodbye!"

  11. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    congrat's cariba..... what are your scores looking like these days?
  12. daveberk

    daveberk Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    Last summer, I said goodbye to Providian. It was when they refused to waive the annual fee. I told them that my policy was not to carry cards with annual fees unless I'm getting rewards. The card had a 10.5K limit. I had been with them for a long time. It felt really good to get rid of that 19.8 card which I wasn't using that much anyway.

    Congrats on the Citibank AA cards. Citibank has very good customer service.
  13. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!


    Well, EQ is 697, but should be higher because a recent late pay was deleted. Experian/Credit Expert is 664, and TU is showing a 683.

    Earlier this year, I had scores in the high 500s and low 600s. I have been working like a mad woman on my credit. The cards are a nice reward.

    When I call to combine/convert, will they tell me what my score is?

  14. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!


    Were you given a BT offer? Should I ask about that also?

    I am so happy to get rid of Providian. Plan to cut up card and mail to their Executive Offices with a letter about their lack of customer service! After that I will have FCNB, the one Citi, and I should apply for a couple of retail cards.

  15. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    Congrats! Cairba job well done! How is the studying going ?

  16. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    Thanks Cypri. I haven't started studying--I may have to postpone until the July exam. I am praying about it!

  17. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    Cariba..did you apply online or did you call in...When did they tell you that you were approved .
  18. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!


    I applied online and found out instantaneously.

  19. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    so the 3-4 weeks message means I guess not huh? Did you have any derogs?
  20. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Re: Approval for Citi AAdvantage cards!

    I got this message when I applied for AA Gold and was later approved by mail for $9,000.

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