Cross Country Bank Q & A

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by soup, Dec 5, 2001.

  1. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Good morning, I'm so glad this board is here, because honestly credit issues are embarrassing to share w/ friends and family but it's nice to have this community to go to. Anyway, although this is a subprime hell card referred to as "Cross Country Crooks" I must say I'm semi happy right now. I just got the "holiday special" CLI of $500, in September I had a CLI of $350, so now since my initial limit was $350 I actually feel like I have a respectable limit of $1200, yippee! They've actually been pretty good by me, especially with my score, although from yesterday I made the 600 club, my question is for anyone else that's been their customer...when do they upgrade you to the "silver preferred" would be nice to have a card with a respectable limit that doesn't look like a subprime card....anyone outthere that has a quick answer or suggestion would be greatly appreciated on this end. Thanks!
  2. iamsamiam

    iamsamiam Well-Known Member

    I don't really have any advice, but I am fairly happy with them also, got the card in August with a $350 credit line and am now at $700, that line increase cost me $100. Good luck with them, I am hoping to be able to get them paid off and get something different. I believe after you get one cl increase you have to wait 6 more months for another.
  3. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I got an email as a "valued customer"....another $500...and I had the 350 increase in September so it hasn't been 6 months...check your online account, you may have the holiday special as well :) It was just added to my total credit line as a "surpise"
  4. loni

    loni Member

    I have 2 Cross Country Cards. They were the first cards I received after a discharged Chapter 7. I have never had a problem with them. When I first obtained them I had to pay for credit increases. Then they automatically raised the limits with no added fees. The interest is high, so I only use them for business travel to keep them active. The limits are now $5000 on both cards. It did not take long, maybe 18-24 months, to get the limits. This card did help me rebuild my credit. I have a Capitol One Gold Card with a $3500 limit at 12% and a Platinum Card, also with Capitol One with a $5000 limit with a rate of 11.9%
  5. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    Thanks, loni....there's light at the end of the tunnel.
  6. jzilla

    jzilla Well-Known Member

    I have a silver preferred with a $1700 cl. I've had them for 2 years now and only one problem and that was with a balance transfer I did to another card. But it was quickly straightened out. Just make sure you make your payments EARLY and don't give them access to your checking account. They gave me a card when no one else would.
  7. dinob12

    dinob12 Well-Known Member

    Sam I would use planet feedback and ask for them to waive the fee.. I did that about 3 weeks ago and got a response in about 10 days stating that due to my history with them they would waive the fee. Lurleen Bryant at Cross Country did that for me..Her number is 302-467-4600..I called and thanked her afterwards..But use Planet Feedback before you call her...
  8. iamsamiam

    iamsamiam Well-Known Member

    dino, I have only had the card for 4 months, I don't really mind the fee, they gave me a chance when no one else did. Do you think it would work with that short of a history?
  9. dinob12

    dinob12 Well-Known Member

    Well I recieved the card in June myself.. I think it may be worth a try. Why not

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