Lizardking I still need your help

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Christi, Dec 5, 2001.

  1. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    5. What kind of affidavit do you send to the CRA when sending this information to them along with your paper trail?

    6. Where do you get a notice of intent to sue?

    8. Did you just type a letter saying you will settle for deletion of negative trade lines?

    Misc. 1. Did they remove ALL negative trade lines or the ones in question? 2. How long after a charged-off account goes to collection would you wait until you start disputing it and validating it etc? Also can you still send the letter about the inquiries, that you sent to the creditors themselves? Where do you find their addresses to send it to? We have NO clue about 90% of these companies much less how to dispute the inquiries.

    Are you for hire?
  2. Elanonuevo

    Elanonuevo Member

    Wow, and I thought $200 a day was a lot of money!


    Thanks for giving your time so generously to all of us Lizardking. I hardly post on here, but I do read (and learn) from all of your posts.

  3. superadman

    superadman Banned

    Lizardking, I am brand new to this board, but I have quickly learned that you are the reptile to know.
  4. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Lizardking, LKH ANYONE-
    question for you. I faxed a letter to TU on 11/15 with a letter from one of my creditors (that was a charge off) the letter said delete the account. TU sent me an updated report dated 11/30 and it is still on there. There is also another account that shows 1x's 60 days and 1x's 30 days, I have a letter from that creditor that says it was only 1x's 30 (I haven't sent this to TU yet and TU verified it in 6/2001). My question is I have the fax transmission and all the paperwork from the original creditors, should I fax over a "last letter before suit is filed"? There is a Capital One R5 on there that I would like removed, should I say that I am willing to not file suit if they delete these three accounts? Whats the word I use in the letter so it won't reappear down the road? thanks a bunch
  5. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    If I remember they all tried the "last letter before suing" but it never did any good...the actual filing is what got the CRA's attention, and any response. The letter couldn't hurt though but I think the only way to get their attention is to collect the evidence you have and file suit in that regard.

    The "settlement" offer letter will be able to get that R5 removed hopefully...I think they all had delete all erroneous negative items in return for settlement. The non-re-insertion clause can be in the settlement letter as well, you don't need that yet.

    I would go another round of trying to send the information to the CRA and seeing if they will honor the two letters you have from the Creditors once more before I dropped the suit...but that is just me and it is your call if you feel you have the evidence. Have you sent both letters to them once or only the deletion letter? - nevermind I just re-read your post and see you have not...I would send that letter in certified RR (not fax) along with the other letter (certified RR as well) and then wait to see them not act on those requests...then I would file if I got no response. Keep your paper trail. Fax transmission is ok but I think a hard copy letter is a must (at least one if not 2 attempts...again that's me I like being sure I have a solid case) Good Luck!

    -Peace, Dave
  6. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Only the deletion letter. I have been dealing with the other creditor for about 2 months and I FINALLY got them to "find" my account. The acct was closed in 96 and the 60 day late pay was 2/96.
    I don't want to get in way over my head, but I was looking at it as, I got all this info from the 2 creditors by a matter of 4 or 5 phone calls. I had disputed the "deleted" one EVERY month until I found this board, then *I* went to the creditor, BAM got a letter. With the late one I disputed back in June and then let it be. I probably should have been disputing while I was talking with the creditor.
    I know TU took the "deleted" one off (worthknowing) for about a week and then it appeared, I'm not sure if i printed it out when it was off (I'm at work now). If I do have that copy that may help me.
    Ok I'm done rambling :) Thanks Dave! You rock!
  7. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Anytime, yea that copy of the report will help you...also send things Ceritifed RR at least once (sorry to repeat). Normally I would say I hope they correct their mistakes...but lately I am thinking the more evidence you have to take them to court...the better chances you have for correction of the entire report in one swell foop! LKH LizardKing Marie have all had much success with settlements after building their cases with a good evidence trail.

    -Peace, Dave
  8. mindcrime2

    mindcrime2 Well-Known Member

    Chrisiti or Lizardking ...

    At the top of this thread Christi copied/pasted what looked like an 8 step process posted by lizardking, but only 5-8 is listed. can someone post the first 4?

  9. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    KHM, I had the exact same situation that you now have except it was with equifax. The creditor sent a UDF to equ. and a copy to me. I called equifax and they told me it takes 30 - 60 days to update a faxed request from the creditor. It sounds like a crock, but at about 45 days the entry was removed. I would give it another 2 weeks. If no luck by then send your demand letter. In the meantime, when I get back home later, I will email you the name of someone in authority at Trans Union that you can email if you want that might be able to help.
  10. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    That would be great. I just don't understand why they put it back on. The funny thing is, it was a charge off that I owed $125, I called the creditor and said I don't remeber having an account with them, but I was trying to buy a house (yeah right) and needed it gone, so I offered the $125 for deletion. She faxed 2 letters one said PIF, the other said please delete. Then they even mailed me a copy of both letters. On TU when it reappeared it shows there still being abalance. I had a prob with EQU and EX deleted right away. EQU I had to make a few calls and then it was gone. Thanks again LKH.

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