I just looked through my EQF report and wanted to share...8 inquires deleted....pretty cool...could be why I made the 600 club this month.
EQUIFAX??!?!?! How on earth did you manage that? Were they "deleted" or did they fall off (2 yrs old)?? Please share and congrats! Kellie
Ya it was Equifax, 8 from the past year!...they were no were near the two year mark. I didn't dispute through equifax, I wrote letters directly to the inquirer stating I didn't authorize the inquiry...I used a sample letter from creditmania.com....I had two come off my first round (this was my second) and again directly to the company except in the second letter I stated it was my second request and it was rediculous not to comply...BTW a little deeper I did cross reference between all three bureaus...I'm goning to do another round #3, inquiries I do on my own...Lex has been doing the rest...for now anyway, I think this is their last month for me....
I sent out about a dozen letters stating to the company(that I did not have an account with) that I saw their inquiry on my credit report and that it was not authorized by me and under fair credit reporting they had to remove it...MBNA requested a copy from my credit report showing the inquiry and asked I fax it them...then they removed it...First USA did the same...asked for a copy of my credit report showing the inquiry....and make sure, which I didn't do the first time, is to include the exact date the inquiry took place. I think from my short experience that the second round of letters is more effective...every letter I've sent thus far has been responded to...hope this helps.
Did you send these letters CRR or regular mail? and Did they send you a letter saying they will remove them or did they just disappear(how did they contact you for the info they wanted?)?
I have had Equifax inquiries removed the same way. I do CRRR to know that they did in fact receive them--always think about creating a paper trail. They can't say they did not receive it when you have the green card. cariba