Got a letter after applying for something asking for utility bill, ss card and dl. Would they ask for that if I was declined?
Roni- Nextcard They pulled EQ which is by far my best I only have 1 neg on there and the score is 661 (moved up 24 points this week)
Congrats Ohno,if you have other trade lines established you should be able to take care of it on the phone.
I just applied for the Silver Aadvantage from Citibank and they called me at work to ask if I had certain loans and the name of a card that I've had for over six months, etc. Breeze said that they were verifying employment. Do you guys think I'll get the card since they took the time to call? They didnt ask for DL, SS and utility bill, so I don't know if it's all that serious. I hope I get it...