charge offs

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jammvj6, Dec 6, 2001.

  1. jammvj6

    jammvj6 Member

    Has anyone had any success disputing credit card charge offs that are only a couple of years old?
  2. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Yes and No. My youngest chgoff is 3 years old the other 4. The 4 year old is gone on 2 of the 3 bureaus. The 3 year old is very stubborn. I've disputed both 3 or 4 times. So I've had limited success, but I haven't given up. I mailed my latest dispute of these 2 yesterday... Go C.H.O.D!!
  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    I have had 2 removed, one didn't respond (3 yrs old) and the other I paid in exchange for deletion (3 yrs old). DO IT NOW. Join everyone in CHOD!
  4. jammvj6

    jammvj6 Member

    Thanks for the input, I'm disputing 2 tomorrow that I know aren't mine, but I got 4 others that are right. I'm trying to find someway to pay it back eventually.
  5. phxbbw6ft1

    phxbbw6ft1 Well-Known Member

    Is it better to start with the oldest charge off's? Or the highest$ amount ones? Also, when I send out a dispute letter do I send it to all three at once or one at a time? Thanks: )
  6. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I don't think it really matters which ones you start with but, I have found that the older they are, the easier to have removed. You can send disputes to all 3 at the same time. If you are disputing the same account on all 3, make sure it appears on all 3 before disputing. Also, be sure to send the disputes certified mail, return receipt requested.

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