1. My mother is willing to add me as an AU to some of her accounts to give me some positive history. Will I get the WHOLE history she has or will it show as a new account? 2. If I have a charge off with Cap One will they still let her add me as AU? She has a 14 yr old account with them. 3. I received "adequate" or "accurate" validation today on an account in question. It was a returned check and they sent me a copy of the front of the check with a post-it-note saying call 1-800- etc to make your payment. They didnt' send it CRR so do I act as if I didn't receive it or bite the bullet and pay it? It is 5 yrs old and I don't want them to change the date on me. Doc, I forgive you and accept your apology. I don't harbor bad feelings, it just hit me wrong and I was PISSED to say the least. It's over and done with now...so let it be.
Christi, I truly appreciate your being so gracious about my apology. (That almost never happens around here, btw! So now I doubly hope you'll stick around, lol!) Seriously, it was a terrible goof, and my closest friends here on the board can vouch for just how bad I felt about it. Thanks very much. Doc
Heck, let me take a stab at your first two questions. (I'll defer to the wiser souls among us for the third, lol.) Yes, the whole history appears on your report once you're added as an AU. That cuts both ways, by the way. My wife added me as an AU on her MBNA card. She had three 30-day lates on her history, and they dutifully reported that. In fact, even the age of the account appeared -- it read "Date Opened 03/91"... The question I don't know is: Does that figure into your FICO score the same way as if the account was completely yours? I wish I knew. As for your second question, I think you can pretty much add anybody as an authorized user, even if they've been in bankruptcy, CCCS, whatever. (While I'm 99% sure of my first answer, I'm only 92% sure of this one, lol -- so if I'm rebutted, I'll defer.) As far as I can tell, it's the primary card holder who decides who to designate, and no credit check is done with respect to the secondary names that are added. Doc
Christi, It has been my experience that they won't even ask your mother for your SSN#. As long as you have the same address and the same last name, they will just match it up and go from there. If you don't live together, make sure your mother gives your SSN#. As long as you are just an AU and not a Joint holder it shouldn't affect her rates/limits. Kellie
Christi- Sorry I didn't see ?? #3. I would ignore it if I were in your shoes. The only problem with that, is you know they have the check. So if it ever came down to a court hearing then they would have their proof. I'm sure one of the "court guru's" can tell you if I am right or not..lol Kellie
Re: Number three; If it didn't happen via CRR, it didn't happen, so long as you've not in any way acknowledged receipt. Move on to your next planned steps; estoppel, demand, whatever, without regard or reference to their non-validation.
Regarding #3.Quixote may not be 100% correct.Check link below.Texas might be saying something different. http://www.lawdog.com/states/tx/sta2.htm Also,check sol's for Texas. I would ideally want written conformation of deletion upon payment. Since the check is 5 years old, I would also check with chexsystems to see if it was still reporting there. http://www.lawdog.com/states/tx/sta2.htm Here's other interesting zingers if the acct is still open regarding Texas Banks. ----------------------------------------------------------- Question: Is there a limit to how many times a bank can run an insufficient check through for payment and collect an NSF fee? Answer: No, but two times through the automated clearing process is the general practice. After that, items are generally handled on a "collection basis" and result in higher fees. ----------------------------------------------------------- Question: Is there any time after which a check is no longer valid? Answer: No, other than a certified check, a bank is under no obligation to pay a check which is presented more than six months after its date. Of course if presented a bank may honor the check in good faith. Reference should be made to any provisions in the depository contracts. ------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome back Christi. VJ
#2: For an AU, most companies don't ask for SS#. I was successfully added to 2 Associates cards (even though I am on their permanent blacklist) and a Best Buy (even though I had just been denied that card) without problems. The question is: will they report? Associates reports. CapOne reports. Citibank reports. So far, MBNA (I added my mom) and Household (Best Buy) do not report. Target reports for my mom, and calls her joint. I am certain CapOne will let you be on there, but be sure mom is going to pay the bills because they are like a bulldog on reporting derogs without you begging someone to get it off and they are like vultures coming after the AUs.