you've read too many creditnet post

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jammvj6, Dec 7, 2001.

  1. jammvj6

    jammvj6 Member

    when you have a dream that your dear old grandma calls you and tells you Gulf State CA is harassing her, and you heroically tell her you'll take care of everything, and start quoting her rights under the FTC and FCRA.
  2. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    when you have a file folder 4 inches thick of credit reports and dispute results..
  3. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    ...when you start stalking your mailman every day to see if your reports, new cards, dispute results, etc. have shown up yet!
  4. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    ...When you set creditnet as your home page in your browser

    ...When you pick up a handful of return receipt cards and certified mail forms while at the post office

    ...When you configure your word processing program to print the CRA addresses in the correct spaces on the above forms

    ...when you set your outlook calendar to remind you that it has been 30 days since the CRA received your dispute

    ...when you hear a friend discussing a credit problem and you inject yourself into the coversation with "I know this guy named Lizardking who can help you with that"
  5. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    ...when you keep dumping postings into a Statview database, running simple orthogonal linguistic analyses, and generating the same hypothesis repeatedly :)


    P.S. I know, I'm not well. Doctor, heal thyself.
  6. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    Gosh Doc, you actually made me pick up a dictionary...that hasn't happened in years.
  7. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet


    When - after you tell your psychiatrist how your family accuses you of being credit obsessed for going through their credit mail, your psychiatrist diagnoses you for Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCD) based on meeting the 5 DSM criteria of:

    1. Having to refresh your creditnet page at least 6 times per hour.

    2. Calling American Express at least 5 times daily to make sure the recording still says, "congratulations, you've been approved" for fear that it will change to "unfortunately, we could not approve..."or simply disappear altogether.

    3. Calling your bank CS automated number once every day to verify balances and dates due.

    4. Calling your bank CSR at least twice monthly to try for a CL increase or apr reduction.

    5. Feeling "out of control" when the creditnet board server is down and having to log on first before doing *anything else* when it comes back up.

    Okay, six criteria... :)

    6. Hoarding all credit related billing statements and communications and all credit reports for the past several years and freaking out if someone misplaces them.

    How'd I do Doc?
  8. jammvj6

    jammvj6 Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    when you made the last collector that called you speechless. That was fun!
  9. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    Got That.

    Done That.

    Done That.

    Done That.

    Doc, I had no idea. I am so sorry. It explains so much. No more rum for you. Or maybe I should double your ration instead? ;o)

    Done That.

    Done That. And Yes, It was very fun.

    Done That. Really. Yesterday afternoon. Don't be surprised to see a bunch of new Creditnet members from that.
  10. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    When you have committed all the phone number and fax number to the CRAs to memory.
  11. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    I see I still have work to do.
  12. SisterGirl

    SisterGirl Well-Known Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    Marci......girl, that was a heavy trip down memory lane(lol).

    Sister Girl
  13. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    here are mine...
    When you sign offline and the sign on screen says you have been online for 480 minutes and you realize you have only been to 3 websites, all credit related.

    When your 4 year old kid is asking you if you're fixing "that credit thing"

    when your 2 year old tells you to "put the puter down"

    when you dream about the CRA's calling and telling you THEY F'd up big time and are willing to turn everything positive.

    And basically everything everyone else said!
  14. debtfree

    debtfree Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    THAT IS ME!!!!!! My wife thinks that I am nuts. She loves the results that we have gotten but says that I spend too much time on our credit. I love answering the phone and not saying in a foreign voice "why you call here, he no live here" and hanging up. I feel great being able to go to bed and sleep for a change. I love reading this board. Kudos to everyone.
  15. informed

    informed Well-Known Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    I busted my gut laughing....OMG.....all of you must be following all just described my day...LOL

    when you keep your computer loged-in and constantly click on member chat and say "Dang 72 members online and nobody in here yet"

    ...5 min later repeat

    when you are so excited after reading a post about someone being approved for credit....then you apply all willie-nillie (like you even had a chance) and get denied..
  16. betacredit

    betacredit Well-Known Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    All of the above plus:

    when you have to minimize your browser when your boss walks by or keep 2 or 3 internet windows open to click on.

    when you stay up extra late because you're trying to read all the new posts and see if someone answered your question.
  17. Beaker

    Beaker Well-Known Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    LOL betacredit! That is me! I have a very boring but productive-looking Excel spreadsheet open to click into when people walk by my cube.

    You know you've spent too much time Creditnetting when...your EXP report has about 50 soft inquiries on it from you checking your free CreditExpert trial to watch your score every day. :eek:)
  18. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    OMG!! This is worse than therapy.....I feel...I feel...!
  19. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    Big Time. But you also know that everybody else in your office is doing that too. But they (or maybe your wife, if you have a home office like me) think you're the weird one because you're not looking at some porn site.

    The more I think about it, maybe they're right.
  20. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Re: you've read too many creditnet

    Sure scattered that crowd. I wonder if they all went back to looking at porn...Like "Oh Yeah! I knew there was something I was forgetting to do! Yeah, I been lookin' at too many of these damn creditnet posts! Back to ww.blondes.ez quick!"

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