The Empire Strikes Back

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Voyager, Dec 10, 2001.

  1. Voyager

    Voyager Well-Known Member

    Got my Citibank debit card in the mail llast week and $75 signup bonus for signing up for online banking.

    Today received a letter from Citibank informing me that my account is closed and the $75 bonus "no longer applies."

    "Loss Prevention" and "past performance" as the given reasons for closure. Citibank apoligized for any inconveinance.

    For the record, I am not on Check Systems. Citibank ran a TU and found my bk with their credit card included in 1997.

    When my bk clears, I may try again. A denial may indicate they won't ever forget.

    Sometimes, Life sucks.
  2. drmgirl6

    drmgirl6 Well-Known Member

    You'd think that they would check that information out before extending you the invitation and actually sending you the card.
  3. Voyager

    Voyager Well-Known Member

    So true, Drmgrl6. You would think Citi is more professional. I was really happy, too, and thought I could reestablish a relationship with them. But not all is forgiven.

    It proves what others here say about the Citibank blacklist. They do check their own personal records.

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