Re-Aging (Update)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sticky, Dec 11, 2001.

  1. sticky

    sticky Member

    Thanks to those who offered advice w/my first question. After I left the here, I subscribed to Privista, Creditexpert & Junum. (I did read the thread on which is the best, and I know that many of you probably think Junum is/was/will be a waste, but at the moment I have NO time and it was worth the $40 imo)

    Anyhow, yesterday I recieved an "alert" from Privista and lo and behold, I was able to witness one of the CAs (Midland Credit Management) "CLOSE" and "OPEN" my "account" with them within minutes. No wonder my DOLA keeps getting updated.

    This must be crooked...any thoughts on how to address this?


  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    It's illegal. Save copies of your old reports, print them up and send to Equifax with your dispute that the account has been re-aged. Old copies of your report are your best proof of what is going on.

    Then a validation letter to the CA that is doing it.
  3. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    is that what that is? i have a cap1 charge off from 1998 and the other day privista sent me an alert and it said 12/9 cap1 opens account then right underneath it said 12/9 cap1 closes account. should i do something? thx,kelly
  4. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    btw, is it also re-aging if a charged off card(also 1998) reported a charge off again, twice in november 2001?
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Yes, if they do something to change the date of reporting time, it is re-aging.
  6. sticky

    sticky Member

    Hrmmm...CapOne too...I guess I'm far to idealistic but it chaps my hide that these companies use flat out ILLEGAL methods to continue to ruin peoples credit/lives far longer than the penalties state.

    I fully accept that there are consequences to actions (mine of course included) but these companies knowingly, willfully, and intentionally violating the law is shocking and surprising. Maybe I'm a spring pigeon.

  7. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the real world, hehe. They will say it was a mistake. Set up your paper trail of efforts to correct, then if they do not fix it, sue. That is the way they seem to want it. That is the way to do it.

    Since they play hard ball, that is the justification for consumers to play hard ball too.
  8. sticky

    sticky Member

    They probably will claim it's a mistake...w/one of the CAs it's a "monthly mistake." Well after finding this out (I imagine this is well known to regulars on this board) I have no compunction about any tactic that I or fellow creditneters use to clear our records...

    Cheers Folks (thanks Breeze)

  9. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    You got it!

  10. kell393

    kell393 Well-Known Member

    well, i spoke to mr cooke and he says he doesnt see where cap1 did this. he says he is "concerned" as to where privista came up w/this info. he asked if he could call me back after he looks into it a little further. so far its been 30 mins. kelly
  11. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    Mr. Cooke is an okay guy to deal with, but not too good with follow up phone calls. You gotta call him back :)


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