I have disputed a Providian account until I am blue in the face with all 3 CRA's. It has always come back "Verified". In my most recent dispute with TU it came back as DELETED!!!!!!!!!! I am very pleased about this. On TU this leaves one negative - with many many lates. I am going to write the creditor to see if they will one time reage the account and report it current! Does anyone think this is a good idea. It is a Military store account with AAFES. I wonder if the success with Providian is due to their recent problems?
Congratulations, Hal! I also had a Providian account removed from Equifax. But watch that it does not return as a UNIFUND account. Apparently, this company bought out Providian because it shows up twice on my TU report with the same account number. Good Luck in your other endeavors!