First of all I have spoken with Mr Cooke @ Capital One and they are going to work with me on my charged off accts. Pulling them back from collections. I received a letter from on the CA I sent an estoppel letter to and they apologized for causing me any harm etc. They said they would notify all 3 bureaus immediately and that if I don't see it removed within 45 days to contact them again and THEY will make sure it is removed. 1 down 10 to go.
See, a little peristence paid off. Congrat's Christi and good luck on the other ten. Soon we will be waving the 500 club farewell.........(sigh)
hey...thats great Christi.....good for you! So in working with Mr Cooke, you had the tradeline removed from your CA's? -Sette313
posted wrong No, actually I posted that wrong. Mr Cooke is working me on my charged off Cap 1 accts. The CA I sent an estoppel letter to is for something completely different. It "WAS" for a medical collections, but I guess the estoppel scared them and they notified me they would remove it immediately from all 2 bureau's and apologized for the misunderstanding. WOOHOO. That's 1 CA gone and 10 to go.
Re: posted wrong Mr Cooke has also helped me greatly. If you need something done with Cap One, try using to reach them. It gets your message to the people that matter most. Regardless of what your particular situation is, try it. You never know how it will turn out.