Non ChexSystems Bank

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by niecy25, Dec 12, 2001.

  1. niecy25

    niecy25 Well-Known Member

    Just like to thank you for the posts which suggested FSNB as a bank that would open an account for you if you are on chexsystems.

    Not nly did they open a checking account for me but also a savings account.

    I am so excited that someone out there was still willing to give me a chance and I am not going to mess up this time.

  2. star

    star Well-Known Member

    Dispute what is on chex and if no one validates within 30 days that very day your taken off run to a local bank and open a account, I did that, actually 3 bank accounts to be safe, I was off for 4 days before they put it back on, I am now filing a lawsuit against chex for there antics. good luck

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