Hi everyone, I recently applied for a Citi Silver AAdvantage and received a phone call at work (checking to see if I am who I say I am). I received a letter from them in the mail today requesting a telephone bill. The phone bill is under my BF's name, but we take turns paying it. I don't have a utility bill, since it's included in our rent. They just need to verify my address and home phone #. Does anyone have any idea as to what I can send in? My driver license has my previous address on it (relative's house). I really want this card and this is the farthest I have gotten to receiving it. Any input? Thanks! Sachiko
The answer is: Fax in the telephone bill, they really want to see if you have the ability to do so, not if its in your name. been there done this. Call up, talk to them, explain, fax, get card. They probably did reverse-411 on your # and it didn't match your name.
Sachiko, I had to do the same thing 2 days ago. The phone bill's last name matches, mine, but it is not in my name--I still had to fax a copy of the phone bill to Citibank!. They said that the number was listed with information, but the address was not. I hope to hear something from them soon. Good luck! cariba
Direct to the credit dept. is 1-301-733-5501, though you can call 1-800-950-5114 and get transferred. As of June 2001 the credit dept's fax numbers: FAX: 301-714-5958 FAX: 301-790-4647 You can verify the current fax numbers with the credit dept.
I can't believe it!!! I just called Citibank and since they were able to verify my address and phone number, I was approved for the Silver Aadvantage with $6K limit!!! I'm at work so I can't do the Happy Dance, but I have a fat grin on my face!! I'm kinda numb... =0D Thanks for all the useful info and help !!!
Thanks guys! I applied for the gold yesterday, but got that "we'll contact you at the address you provided as soon as we procees your app" message. I got that same message with the Silver, so I'm not trippin. If i somehow get denied for the Gold, I won't be that upset. I'm just happy to be a new member of the citi-club!
Congradulations SD! I hope someday in the next decade I'll be able to post the same approval.. I still have 3 collection accounts and haven't been able to get anything in the prime market Congradulations on your success!!!
Thanks, Soup! Just keep at it. I had a collections on my Equifax and although it was only for $30, it kept coming back verified. I just kept disputing, and one day it was deleted! I don't know if it had to do with time, but it came off. Since then, I have had instant online approval for a Gold Cap one (first instant approval!), a Lerner's retail card (instant in store) and now the Citi Silver AAdvantage (not instant). All the hard work pays off, and I did it all myself (no services, etc.). I was hopeless a year ago, but with the help of this board and persistence, it's all coming together. You'll get those Prime cards soon. Trust me! =0)