From AMEX(Green) to AMEX(Blue)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by navajo67, Dec 11, 2001.

  1. navajo67

    navajo67 Active Member

    I just received my Amex(green) anybody knows how long should I wait so I can applied for the blue or there is no relation?
  2. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    I think there is a relation if you are an existing card member. You may want to apply for the Blue soon, before your Green credit report becomes outdated with AmEx. If you are approved, that's great. If you are denied, it's not over yet...

    Read this link, and the link in this link, and you'll find the direct number to the MORE Team that Saar provided (i.e. the thread title is "AmEx Green Approved").

    Your mileage may vary, so I don't promise that it will work, but I am hopeful for you, if you choose to apply.

    An alternative, if you don't want an inquiry, is to wait for the pre-approval which will come in 6 months.
  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    You do get an inquiry when you accept the preapproval. Mine was on Experian - I am in VA, land of Equifax :) Very happy to see them using a different bureau.
  4. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Sorry I got it wrong, Breeze...
  5. navajo67

    navajo67 Active Member

    I did call the 800 and I was denie...I will received my letter in 7-10 business days...
    Fico Equifax=687
  6. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Are you going to ask for a reconsideration? If you do, you can do that today. You don't have to wait on the denial letter. I would first find out why they denied you and then come up with a compelling reason why that should't count against you.

    Example: I was denied for a short overall credit history (around 3 year ave overall, 2 year CC) and opening too many recent accounts (4 in past 6 months). I acknowleged the truth, agreed with the rep and explained that I wanted accounts with the most reputable issuers in the nation. I considered AmEx to be one of them, and after all, I do have the Green card now, etc... The rep was sympathetic, put it through for a reconsideration, and a sup. approved the next day.
  7. navajo67

    navajo67 Active Member

    I did call them back for the re-consideration and the rep told me that bcs it was system generated they don't know the reason...
  8. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Even a system generated denial has to give a reason for denial along with the CRA pulled. That's the law.

    Maybe the rep meant that he/she couldn't access the system, since I know they were having problems with it earlier to day. Or maybe the rep was lazy and didn't want to take the time to look for the reason.

    Either way, I'd call back tomorrow to see if another rep can assist you. I'd call 1-800-thecard, press "2" to hear the denial, and press "2" again to get to a rep to get the reason(s) for the denial.

    Then, I'd hang up and call the MORE team to get a supervisor to re-evaulate.

    I hope it works for you,
  9. navajo67

    navajo67 Active Member

    Ok, what's ther number for the MORE group...
    I did ask the rep and she didn't knew it.
  10. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

  11. monika15

    monika15 New Member

    I think if you use your green card on a regular basis and the account stays good standing, after a certain amount of time AMEX is going to offer you the blue. It took me a year but then my credit history was only 2 years old. First I received the gold, a year later the blue. If you have relatively good credit it might take less amount of time.

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