C.H.O.D. Results

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Nave, Dec 10, 2001.

  1. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Post your Holiday dispute results below.

    Good Luck everyone!!!

    -Peace, Dave
  2. reality89

    reality89 Well-Known Member

    I started out on the recommended date of the 5th with all three. I heard back from TU today in a very weird letter(s) all in the same envelope. Heres what I got.

    Letter 1: General "we got your dispute and are looking into it"

    Letter 2: We don't dispute inquiries letter (I disputed a couple for fun when I was doing this online). So I guess my first decline is here.

    Letter 3: A letter asking if I am using a credit repair service with two pages of questions asking about the company if I was using one (I'm not but what the he**? If I was why would I fill that out and admit it to them?)

    Letter 4: A letter saying how there dispute process works and at the bottom is says "here is the information that you requested" and its a name and address for a collections company that I do not remember seeing before.

    Maybe this is there return version of C.H.O.D? Bombard me with letters to see if I break down.
  3. CardKid

    CardKid Well-Known Member

  4. jshimmer

    jshimmer Well-Known Member

    Disputed 12 inquiries a few weeks back with Experian (online). Some of them were duplicates (i.e., the same bank or mortgage company within a week or so), but were NOT coded as mortgage, which means they dinged me two and three times for the same thing. Boat loan was the same way. Also had two HARD inquiries due to getting quotes for new auto and boat insurance. A few were legit inquries that I said "what the hell" and disputed anyways.

    Needless to say, I received the results today. Every single one was deleted exept for two -- one for the mortgage and one for the boat loan. Even ones that were NOT duplicates were deleted. I just said "never authorized" or "duplicate inquiry" (for the dupes). They removed almost every one.

  5. jsever

    jsever Well-Known Member

    My holiday disputes are with TU exclusively. Old hospital collection account, a couple of lates, and a few inquiries. Of course you realize that any results take time. It will be 2002 before we hear or see any change.
  6. freedom777

    freedom777 Well-Known Member

    How did you dispute with Experian on line with the Inquiries?
  7. Marypc

    Marypc Well-Known Member

    On 12/5 I disputed on line with Experian a paid charge off, and a positive account from Lerner's that had a notation on it that payments were being handled by a credit counseling service. This wa wa not on my report for about 5 yrs, and came back with a note that a $29 payment was made in 5/01. (Wrong) The paid tax lien was just recently deleted from Trans Union and Equifax. I just got an email tonite that the investigation was concluded.

    THEY VERIFIED BOTH. I dont believe for a second that they even attempted a legitimate investigation. They are getting the Lizard King Im gonna sue letter tomorrow.
  8. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    i got the same letter from TU as reality89. (the disputes were for me GF)
    Funny thing is that i also got an updated report with a subscriber inquirey that i never had removed and also late payments from sears deleted but it didnt say the late payments had been deleted.
    I sent the dsiputes 11/26/2001.
    Now her TU and equifux are completely clean. waiting on EXPERIAN.

    the bling bling club.
  9. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Oh well I just got back to my apartment after holiday travels. Found CHOD result from Equifax (only 1 I sent too) ....

    SLAM, SORRY, SEE-YA, Have a nice day.....Zero for 2, both re-disputes. I guess now it is time for the demand letter and verification letters.

    Bah humbug anyway :))

    Naaaaah- Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.

    -Peace, Dave
  10. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    OOooh sorry!!
    Merry Happy anyway!!!
  11. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    ALL "SOFT" 1+ YEAR OLD GONE EXPERIAN (may help)...
  12. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    I will post for the whole family:


    Mom: lost 12 collections/judgments and 2 collection inquiries. More disputes pending.
    Dad: lost 1 collection and 2 collection inquiries. More disputes pending.
    brother: lost 2 inquiries. No other disputes needed.
    me: lost 6 inquiries. Waiting for response from EX on threaten to sue letter.


    Mom: lost 2 collections. More disputes pending.
    Dad: lost 2 collections. More disputes pending.
    me: Waiting for results.


    Mom: lost 1 collection. More disputes pending
    Dad: Waiting for results.
    Me: Waiting for results.

    My next step after CHOD is to sue EQ and TU for inquiries, possibly sue EX for their FCRA violations regarding not re investigating or properly verifying, suing three collection agencies (1 for a false collection inquiry). Hoping to get money for the collection agencies and perhaps costs from the big 3.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Still waiting...

    EQ: Due 1/7/2002
    EX: Due 1/9/2002
    TU: About to start one. A medical collection just appeared:(
  14. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    author_22; What do you mean by "lost"? Does this mean Deleted or Verified? If it's the first, I'm impressed as hell. If it's the second, my condolences to the family.
  15. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I would assume DELETED...
  16. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member

    deleted. As in bye bye :)

  17. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member

    Then I'm impressed as hell. :eek:)

    I just wanted to be sure because it could have meant that particular dispute was lost, as in "no joy".

    Anyway, thanks for the clarification and good job!

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