What are the rules that MasterCard, and VISA set for merchants regarding this? I thought it was against rules to ask for ID as long as the signature matched, just like it is illegal to set a minimum charge limit before merchants accept card? I was asked to show PHOTO ID at Walmart tonight for $20.00 charge, I refused, and told them about VISA and MASTERCARD regulations that I knew of. The manager pointed to a sign over the register that was handwritten said "PHOTO ID NOW REQUIRED ON ALL CHECKS AND DEBIT/CREDIT CARDS" I told him, If I wrote a sign saying I could punch you in the face and not get in trouble, would that be allowed? He finally gave up, and let me charge the merchandise and pay without showing ID. I honestly do believe there is some regulation regarding this with MC and VISA. For instance, if you go to the post office, they REFUSE to ask for ID, they say signature is good enough. Any thoughts?
I KNOW!!!! I KNOW!!!!!! IT VIOLATES VISA/MC policy (AND SOME STATE LAWS FORBID IT) to ask for ID when the card is signed and both signatures match. UNSIGNED CARDS, OR PEOPLE THAT HAVE C.I.D. or SEE LICENSE or SEE I.D. PICTURE~~~ I.D. IS REQUIRED...AND IF THEY DON'T HAVE IT, NO SALE!!! IT VIOLATES VISA/MC policy to have a minimum charge like $20.00. VISA/MC want you to get the NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE, DEPOSIT BANK and notify them of any violations in minimum charge violations. ONCE YOU START ASKING THESE QUESTIONS TO SEND TO VISA/MC, THEY MAY CHANGE THEIR MIND. You might just mention the consequences of losing the right to accept credit cards... PIN # CARDS USE 4 DIDGIT CODE, AND NO ID EXCEPT THE PIN # IS EVER REQUIRED. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WOULD IT BE OK TO ASK FOR ID ON A PIN # TRANSACTION...EXCEPT IF THE BUSINESS GOT A MESSAGE ON THEIR SCREEN TO ASK FOR ONE...
Simple verification of ID is not to much to ask. Wonder if it was someone stealing your identity? Would you have such a problem with showing ID? Or using your credit card would it matter then? He must be a terrorist... My2kgt
Visa will not allow its credit card issuers the option of placing a check Id profile on their cards (like you can request with a lot of department store credit cards). There reasoning is that they want the card to be as easy as cash to use. Merchants get charge-backs on fraudulent charges or ones that they cannot verify. Its an industry standard in the contract that the merchant signs when they agree to start accepting VISA. Individual merchants ask for picture ID to minimize the money they lose on these charge-backs. Whether its legal or not is a question I am not qualified to answer but I know what your talking about with Wal-Mart. I've seen them do this for the last 6 months at least.
We're talking about wal-mart here... surely they would know of any legal matters regarding this before they implemented this id-checking policy for their stores nationwide, right?? Also, what about discover and amex, do you know if it is against their rules? Also, do you have a link for the visa/mc policy stating this? I ALWAYS get asked for ID, even if it's a $5 transaction. Maybe I just look like a thief!
I frequent post offices, never sign any of my cards, and have never been asked for ID at a post office. I get asked for ID at retail stores; never restaurants, post office, or strangely enough, neiman marcus. You'd think at a store like neimans where you can do some serious damage with a stolen card, they'd ask for ID!
That's odd. When I shop at Wal-Mart (Super Wal-Mart), I usually slide my card at the check-out and press the credit button on the machine. No one asks for anything. Maybe the holiday season and the event of 9/11 has caused Wal-Mart and other retailers to implement stronger security measures. Fraud is a multi-billion dollar apple that everyone has to bite. I would prefer a smaller portion. However, according to the origianal post to this thread, the cashier allowed the poster to pay without showing identification. So, what does that tell you? CardKid
I couldn't use my visa once at walmart. I had SEE PHOTO ID on the back, and the cashier said she couldn't accept it cause the back of the card says not valid without signature, Go figure. KHM
Post office- Their policy forbids unsigned cards and SEE PHOTO ID on the back of the cards. Theres a sign at mine. Secondly, they do ask for photo id, but cannot write down any of the information. too much fraud. I'd rather not have my card stolen to be honest.
THAT IS CORRECT...NO SIGNATURE MAKES THE CARD VOID... Some stores let customers get away with not signing, but they are really supposed to be signed, because by signing, you accept credit card policies...
From VISA Merchants guide to transactions: http://www.usa.visa.com/business/merchants/guide_to_transaction.html Step 3 Check the back of the Visa card while the customer is signing his or her sales draft. The panel should have the repeated word "Visa" printed at an angle in blue, or blue and yellow, letters on a white background. Also, verify that the signature on the back of the card matches the signature on the sales draft. If the panel on the card seems suspicious, and/or the signatures do not match, make a Code 10 call. Step 4 If the signature panel is not signed, ask the customer to sign the card, then ask to see a government ID such as a driver's license or passport. When the customer signs the card, compare the signatures of the card and the ID. If the signatures match, give the card back to the customer. You've successfully completed a transaction. If the customer refuses to sign the card or the signatures between the card and sales draft do not match, make a Code 10 call. FROM MASTERCARD: If a merchant displays a decal with the MasterCard logo to indicate that MasterCard cards are accepted, "that merchant can not condition a sale based upon the cardholder disclosing any other information or identification", except under very specific conditions, such as when merchant needs to deliver merchandise to the cardholder's home or business.
Great info Hal! I found the link to the Mastercard info, BTW. It's http://www.mastercardintl.com/faq.html#b_cust_serv Cheers!
I'm sorry.....I've seen this discussion several times on the board and I just don't get why people get all HOT when asked for ID with a credit card. WHO CARES??!!!!??? Big deal.......I see it as safety precaution. I know a signature is a signature and that's the bottom line but whatever....I guess since I've been a victim of fraud, that's the reason why I feel this way. I went to a store one time were they said ID required for CC purchases. I only had my AMEX card (no wallet, no ID, no cash....paranoid that someone might try to jack me like they did in the past) and the guy asked for my ID. I would of been more than glad to show it to him but I didn't have it. I told him: Hey....a signature is a signature! I finally convinced him to let me buy the stuff. He told me that often people get credit cards (ones that HAVE NOT BEEN SIGNED), sign them, and proceed to use them and never have a problem since it's really THEIR signature. He said that they were getting chargebacks from FRAUD to the point that they HAD to install the ID policy. My boyfriend NEVER signed ANY of his cards. I did not know this until one time we went to a bar and he had a paper ID from the DMV (he lost his plastic ID). They didn't want to let him in unless he had card of some sort w/ his name on it. He had his Citibank card but it was NOT signed......they almost turned him away but we convinced them. Later....I was like, why isn't your card signed? He stated: I never sign any of my cards so others can't use them. I was like WTF????? DUMMY!!!!!!!! Then I proceeded to give his card to my other guy friend and said: Hey Kev.....sign this card John Doe and go charge up a storm! He PROMPTLY signed his card. I still don't understand WHY people don't sign their cards.
I SIGN ALL MINE...(by signing the card you accept the credit card policy, and you allow the account to be charged)... Eventually, all the credit card companies may all go to the PICTURE CARD WITH THE SIGNATURE PRINTED ON THE CARD BY THE CREDIT CARD COMPANY AS PART OF PRODUCTION. So you DON'T want your signature on the card? JUST USE CASH...
Authorizing them to use my picture on their card is one thing....authorizing them to duplicate my signature on their card or in any manner whatsoever, is quite another! I don't think so! Tuit
Checks are going to eventually be REFUSED at more and more businesses, so it's either CASH or CREDIT CARD...