Me too! I felt helpless and vulnerable... I rely on the advice of everyone here on a daily basis! I never realized how much I need this place and all of you.
I'm the happiest person known to mankind that we are back online;I was experiencing major withdrawal symptoms(NOT pretty....LOL). Sister Girl
Creditnet was gone? Geez, I take one stinkin' day off for a root canal and miss all the panic. Well, at any rate, I'm glad it's back!
I just thought that I would die...I had to go on the Bayhouse board for emotional support! Just to look! That is really sad, ain't it?
If it's down another night my husband is gonna faint and fall out. He told me last night that is the most time I've spent with him in weeks. Ok I felt guilty, but since I spent so much time with him now I have all weekend to get my equifax lawsuit paperwork ready to roll.
khm too funny lol......i went through anxitey withdrawal, started having CT's (creditnet tremors).....I just had to satisfy my addiction....So I fell of the wagon and went to another addictive site (word riot) your couch available.....I so need counseling....signed addicted4life LOVE & PEACE
Is this going to be like with all the 9/11 babies due next June? Good thing everybody's getting their credit cleared up. We're all gonna need bigger houses!