I have a Citi account listed in collections. It listed with OSI and Asset Acceptance on TU, Asset Acceptance and Gulf State on Eq, and Asset Acceptance on Ex. The original debt was $1800 and was past due $62. Asset Acceptance now list the debt at just over $3K, go figure. OSI and Gulf State both still list it at $1862. I never received any corespondence from either of this companies and I would like to clear up this matter. Last correspondence from Citi was back in 95-96. Asset is set to fall off in 3/02. Seeking advice on how to handle? Since I never received any correspondence should I dispute as no knowledge of account/ not mine etc?
If they will fall off in 3 months, then why not just wait? It would probably take that long to send them disputes and validation letters anyway, plus the whole process can be aggravating.
Personally, if you are tired of the waiting, I would dispute directly with the CRA's. Like another poster stated, "it is suppose to fall off in 3 months anyway" then the CRA's should have no problem deleting it early. Now, if you want to get off of the Citibank blacklist, in order to obtain another Citi card, you may want to negoatiate after it has fallen off of your reports with Citi directly. After the 7-year period, the statute of limitations for reporting the debt will have run out and there is no way that they can force you to pay or report this item in a negative manner on your credit reports. Good Luck