Hi... I just have a quick question. I requested and was granted a forebearance on my student loan for six months. Since the Dept. Of Ed. granted my forebearance, do the CRA's have to take off the late pay notations on my credit reports? They all say that I was 120 days past due, but since I was granted the forebearance for that time period, the Dept. of Ed. considers me to be current and not late. Does anyone know? Thanks for anything you can offer.
Excellent question! I don't know but I believe it should come off. I'll have to look at mine as well.
Yes they do have to take them off. I have had deferments on my mortgage and car loan due to unemployment. Both were erroneously reported as late. Since the mortgage and car loan companies do not consider me late the credit bureaus removed them. Dispute them with the credit bureaus!
I had a low pay forebearance on my student loans and the CRA's had reported it as negatively affective account. All I did was get a letter from the loan company saying I have paid as agreed and sent a copy of the letter to all 3 bureaus. EQF and EXP fixed the error, TU "suppressed" it from my file. KHM
Thanks for all the input. I have drafted letters to all three credit bureaus. I will keep you all posted as to what happens. Thanks again.
When I went into forbearance, I just contacted the Dept or Ed. They sent a letter to me stating that the late dates would be removed, and within a couple of weeks, they were gone.
I disputed mine as "never late" a couple of months after the forbearance went through. It has been updated on all of my credit rports