WE did it! Newbies take a look

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Maddog, Dec 14, 2001.

  1. Maddog

    Maddog Member

    Newbies, here are the results.

    WE started to clean up my credit in May 2001. This is what WE have been able to accomplished to date and WE are not resting till the last info on Experian comes off. My credit was so bad I stopped applying for anything so I have no inquiries in the last 18 months.

    Transunion (5/01)

    7 Chargeoffs â?? 3 CAâ??s, 4 Original Creditors
    1 30-day late Credit Union Loan
    1 30day late CC
    1 30-day late Auto Lease Co.

    Today No Derogs/ Donâ??t know score

    Experian (5/01)

    4 Chargeoff â?? 2 CAâ??s , 2 Original Creditor
    1 30-day late Credit Union Loan
    1 30day late CC
    1 30-day late Auto Lease Co.

    Today, 1-30 day late from 1997. Score CE 715

    Equifax (5/01)
    5 Chargeoffs â?? 3 CAâ??s, 2 Original Creditors
    1 30-day late Credit Union Loan
    1 30day late CC
    1 30-day late Auto Lease Co.

    Today No Derogs. FICO 747 (Coughed up the $12 today)

    I sincerely thank everybody on this forum especially the USUAL suspects----Marie, Lizardking, Bkev, Doc, LKH, Roni and host of others I know Iâ??m forgetting
  2. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member


    If you're looking for new credit, Citibank is definitely the way to go...unless you're blacklisted.

    Very good job!!!

  3. Maddog

    Maddog Member

    I definittely will like to give Citi, chase and MBNA a try. I want to purchase a home end of next year so I don't want to go crazy and apply for everything in sight. I have managed live the last few years with not a whole lot of credit, I hope to continue on that path and excercise my credit wisely.
  4. Hermit5

    Hermit5 Well-Known Member

    Excellent!!! Thanks for the inspiration!!!!!!
  5. Andrew

    Andrew Well-Known Member


    I hope you don't mind if folks like myself seek you out for advice. I'm committing to being a 700 Club Member for Christmas 2002.

    Feel free to drop me a line:

  6. Quixote

    Quixote Well-Known Member


    Without knocking yourself with details, can you give an overview of what worked for you, what didn't, what you'd do differently, etc.?

  7. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Wow! That's 24 out of 25 gone if my math is correct. Excellent results and in a fairly short amount of time. Congrats.

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Just wondering, what accounts do you have left on your reports?
  9. Maddog

    Maddog Member


    Overall, I had a great deal of succes dealing with the original creditors and getting them to do the deletion for me.

    I will usually try to find a name of a supervisor or someone has the authority make a decision. For instance the last 30 day late I got deleted was from BMW. I basically called a rep and asked a few questions about my account and felt comfortable with the guy I was talking so I told him about how the cra are trying to screw me and will need someone from their organization to help me. Through him, I found out they had an Exception Processing Unit, he also gave me name of someone who worked there. I decided to write to the lady and give her some sob story. I fedexed the letter to her and she called me back two days later. After our conversation she decided to take the late off and send a copy of the letter she was sending to the cra.

    The sob story route has done wonders for me. I usually write letters to these people via fedex and for some reason they do call me back to talk about my problem.

    I read this board for a long time before I decided to embark on this journey. There is a great deal of info on here. I asked very few questions simply because alot of people has basically the sam questions I have, by reading alot I got a lot of my questions answered.

    I got from Marie very early about the importance of documentation. I got my Equifax clean by taking a lot of documentation and filing a lawsuit.

    I don't consider myself very knowledgeable in this field but I will be more than happy to answer any question anyone might. Bang on the pros for help...Marie, Doc, Bkev, Roni, Lizardking, Goddayo, LKH and co.

  10. Maddog

    Maddog Member

    I currently have 4 credit cards, a student loan and auto lease payment.
  11. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    You might just suprise yourself with your knowledge, especialy if you have been reading this board for awhile..

  12. Maddog

    Maddog Member


    You might not remember you me, I did communicate with you privately a few months back regarding a defaulted student loan from cornell University. You give me your info regarding validation and trying to work with the school to get this cleaned up. Well, it worked.
  13. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    Glad it worked. It can work for anyone in the right situation..
  14. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    Glad it worked. It work for anyone in the right situation..

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