Hello Folks!! I just closed on my home today. A 6.36% interest rate that I locked in a month ago, what a deal!!! Anyway, if I would have known that my credit would have been cleaned up in time to take advantage of these rates, I would have worked even harder. For those of you still working on your credit rehabilitation, just remember that those good deals on rates will be around for a while longer and with a little luck, you may be able to take advantage of some great deals. It may not be a good time for investing, but cars and houses are just where I like them....For those of you just starting, remember to take this process step by step, following the info on this website or credit repair at yahoo groups.This process along with asking question will lead you there...
WTG and Congratulations!!!! I know happy dancing is not allowed here....so I'll just do a little jig for you! Jig~bop~Jig~Jig LOL
Congrats GoDaddyo ! What was your FISCO score when you started your home buying? I'm just curious what is the lowest score one can have and still be considered for a home mortgage.
It was a nifty 760 on Transunion (which is the only report that the mortgage company pulled). I have heard of people getting done with scores in the low 600's and I believe that FHA and Va Loans have more lenient qualifications for credit scores. In my situation I needed a NON-documentation loan, due to my self employed status..My closing was done in less than ten days, with 5% down. The name of the company was www.countrywide.com..
lbrown59, i am not sure what you are asking. Then again I am not the brightest cookie on the block.{(i am wearing a dunce cap..