I sent my letter demanding removal of a collection account due to the ca's failure to respond to validation, estoppel, and even a third letter. (it was the letter I posted) I sent copies of every letter as well as copies of every certified receipt showing they received the validation requests. In my letter I stated I did not want them to investigate, I wanted it deleted due to the proof I sent. So what do the idiots do? I check online and it's in dispute. Not gone, it's being reinvestigated. I'm going to call them a.m tomorrow and explain in little words what the letter says. They will also be advised that I have sued before and will not hesitate even 5 minutes to do it again.
Hey LKH I know what you are talking about. This Gulf State BS.!!! I'm was so fed up with them!!!! I finally had mine deleted AFTER.... I called the orginial creditor and told them I was sueing them for GS Bull S**T It come off of two CR that same week!!!!! Kick them in the ASS one time for me....lol!!!!!!!!!!!
When you called the original creditor, did they tell you then that they would remove it? Or , what did they say. I also sent the original creditor about a month ago advising them that their ca was violating the law and that they could be held liable. I got no response.
Hi LKH sorry for the delay! I'm not sure about your story but I had a card fraudulently opened in my name (victim of id theft 99). I know this wasn't my account!!!! I had contacted them about this and thought the situation was taken care! It was to my surprise when I found that Gulf state bought the debt. So this told me.... someone didn't do their job!!!! I still had copies of the affidavit, police report, and my follow up letter I sent to them over a year ago! So this time around I wasn't nice at all... I told them FLAT OUT.. I was going to sue them if it wasn't taken care of ASAP!!!!! They knew I wasn't BSing them ... !!!! I later pulled my report and fount that It had been removed.!! I hope this helps.. but it goes to show that an OC can do something about debts they sale to CA's!