Get this: On my letter they sound sort of nicey nicey "a credit grantor does not have to have written authorization only a permissable purpose. If you feel the companies did not have this you can contact them directly and they'll notify us...blah blah blah... Customer Relations Dept Phone number included On my husbands response: "The inquiries shown on your report are a factual record of the companies who have received your credit report. They can only be entered on your report when an inquiry is, in fact, made. These inquiries will remain on your file for two years. (I can just picture someone in a pissy mood writing this, computer generated or not! Burns me up!) Customer relations dept. No Phone Number! What's up with that!!??? What a bunch of %$#@^&!!! Next card totally has our info looking worse than it is and it's not true. We filed BK in March. Were never late. They're saying Status as of 3/01: 120 days past due- In prior 23 months from date paid 4 times 90 days, 1 time 60 days, 1 time 30 days." What a bunch of bull-oney!!!! That there's nothing I can do for their false reporting sucks!!! I know the bk looks bad enough, but these CRA's tell me that my "delinquency" is too recent and too much!!! okay, NOW I WANT TO SCREAM!!!!!!!!!! What a day..... Also, got an offer from CCB. 20.99 (may vary-determined by adding 12.74 to the prime rate) up to $2500 limit, no grace, $50 annual, $100 set up. At least guaranteed $350 for a GOLD CARD!!!! It says on the application: "THE PRESTIGE AND POWER OF GOLD!!! They inserted another little card, "IMPORTANT! Our decision to send you this offer was not made lightly. We believe you will be a valued customer - Respond today, you're pre-approved!!! If they like me so much how bout better terms????? I must really suck right now!!!!! Sorry, feeling totally bummed about trans union!!!! Any suggestions???? They are like rock bottom aren't they????? Any Advice for one who needs to rebuild after bk????
I use CCB, and honestly they've been great to me...I've been re-building, building...I've used them for almost a year and a half...started with 350cl and am up 1200...the terms are horrible, but it was a good start for me so I would recommend them to re-build when you have no choice besides sub-prime...gotta start somewhere. Hope you day gets better...I had a problem with Lexington earlier, big disappointment, so I can sympothize