Argh...deleted entire entry

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by BruteForce, Dec 18, 2001.

  1. BruteForce

    BruteForce Well-Known Member

    I disputed a late payment with experian and they deleted the entire account. Do I have any recourse for this? I considered simply calling them, but I figured I'd ask here first.
  2. mel

    mel Well-Known Member

    Same thing happened to me with a Cap One account that I disputed as 30 days late. The Experian rep said that you can either 1) request that the creditor report the account again or 2) the creditor may do so on its own. However, you are still stuck with the late payment either way.

    Wait on second thought. Just get a letter from your creditor saying that the account is current and ask for it to be added to your report. Perhaps there is a way to avoid the delinquency that way.
  3. BruteForce

    BruteForce Well-Known Member

    The problem is that the company has long since gone out of business. Guess that means I'm stuck?

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