Hi, Wahoo!!! Another 15 points and I'll reach the 600 mark. I believe the increase in my score is because I paid off my Providian Gold and FCNB Visa. I also made a large payment to my Providian MC. I wonder how much my score will rise when Capital One takes off the charged off notation on my account? I plan on paying off all of my credit cards so hopefully within a few months I can have all of my scores to at least a 650. nj_newbie
congrats on your increase , but speaking from experience it made little difference on my file with the CE score and a little angel at EX updated the account to positive status and that made a big difference. Good Luck! Cypri
Cypri, Thanks for sharing your experience. If I don't see a difference I think I will call and see if I can get an angel too. Smile. nj_newbie
Nice words of encouragemnt there lbrown The post is nice to see and congrats on in order, but yet again you keep at it with your FICO this and FICO that
No I'm just saying don't hold your breath. I don't want them to smother! So you are saying that complaints expressed on this board have nothing to do with credit reports or FICO Right?!
Of course this board is for discussion of credit reports and FICO. But you never offer advice, you just cut and paste numerous post and give one sentence remarks of how FICO is unfair, yes we know that. Most people want advice, not to hear you ramble on and on over the same issue time and time again.
Amen Bruthah, Hallelujah, Praise the Lawd!!! lbrown59: For The Record; I get it. We all Get It. FICO is designed as a profit maximization scheme for the bad guys much more than as a measure of our actual ability to repay a loan. A formulaic way of determining just how much "they" can squeeze "us" on any given day. I get it. Now, Unless you are going to start a legitimate Ballot Initiative drive in a state that allows it, or are running a PAC that has elimination of FICO as it's mission, then simply ranting about how unfair it all is makes no sense. And frankly, it gets old after awhile. Actually, it got old many miles back. It's starting to smell. The point of this place is to find out as much about their silly little rules as we can and then use that information. Actually, I think that, over time, that knowledge gives "us" an unfair advantage over "them." How so? Look at all the silly little things that collectively this group has been able to identify, and in some cases qauntify, in terms of their effect on scores. Opting Out, maintaining optimum ratios, Generations Bank (and the fact that they don't report, which means you can BT from other cards onto theirs and thereby improve your ratios and thus your scores), removing inquiries, Citi AA, reconsideration, fighting old negative or innacurate information, determining in many cases which creditors pull which credit reports, Planet FeedBack, I could go on and on... I'm grateful to all of the people who have posted their accumulated knowledge and experiences here, both positive and negative, so that I can make the kind of progress I've made in just four short months without having to reinvent the process. What have you done for me lately, or even not so lately? Oh yeah, bitched. I don't have nearly enough of that in my life already. . . . BTW, nj_newbie, Congrats on the progress! Keep it up!
We should not have to constantly battle them like this to keep from getting ripped off. Also what you are saying only protects the few while untold thousands continue getting shafted day in and day out.
NJ Newbie CONGRATS!! As to quixote's post, I could not agree with you more. Before I found this board, I NEVER would have thought of PFB'ing Cap1 and asking them to change my charge-off status, which they did, sure its only an R5 now, and it may not help my score, but it makes me feel a whole lot better seeing R5 and not R9 on my reports. I had a million inquiries on my TU report (at least it seemed like that) and now thanks to creditnet I only have 11. Well all know FICO is screwy, but instead of being reminded of it everyday, and complaining about it, do something about it LBrown! Frankly it gives me great satisfaction to know I have fixed things on my CR that I thought would sit there for 7 years. It makes me feel as though I WON this silly little game. Everytime my score(s) go up I feel this way, as I am sure others here do. KHM