To apply or not to apply......

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by fand123, Dec 19, 2001.

  1. fand123

    fand123 Well-Known Member


    I am tempted to apply for Juniper card. I have the following scores TU 766, Eqx 747, EX 693. What are my chances of getting this difficult card?
  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    A few people have this card. Hang on and wait for them. :) Word is they check Equifax only.
  3. fand123

    fand123 Well-Known Member

    Thanks breeze.

    Wow, If they check Equifax only and I can't get it with a 747 score with no derogs and an income of $96K, what else can one do to get this card? Give them my only good kidney?
  4. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    I just applied yesterday. I have a 746, 732, and 694. I'll let you know what my denial letter says. Personally, I don't think they approve anybody. Anybody have this card and how did your report look?

  5. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    I applied for Juniper Mastercard and I got denied. I got a letter lastweek and they told me I don't have long history im my oldest account. I called them they told me I need to have at least 54 months in order to qualify. My brother got pre-approval from the mail and he got approved for $6000. He doesn't have 54 months of account history. It ooked like if you don't have pre-select or pre-approval from them, you probably got declined.

  6. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Probably no more than what I was expecting. I haven't heard yet nor will I call to find out (I always seem to get bad news when I do that). I'll just wait for whatever reason they're going to assign me.

  7. fand123

    fand123 Well-Known Member


    Just applied and I was told my application is pending. I guess there is no one available to type up the rejection letter right now. Anyway, I will keep you folks posted as soon as I hear from these clowns. Oh well, I tried.
  8. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Ooh, we can get our denials at the same time. :)
    It sounds like you applied via phone, I did too and got the same speel. Maybe with it being the holidays and the season of giving Juniper will feel generous and overlook our pathetic scores. :)

    Have a wonderful holiday. I'm crossing my fingers for us.

  9. Mist

    Mist Well-Known Member

    I have Juniper and I like them the best...better than Citi. I was denied at first but I called and challenged the denial and they agreed with me that I should have gotten it. At the time they had a glitch in their system which showed open accounts as closed. They told me they require 5 open accounts in good standing to show history to approve. They gave me 17,500 CL. I had two accounts with 30day lates on my report at the time. My 0% BT just ended and they gave me 9.90% goto rate instead of the advertised 15.4% goto although I had to call to get the 9.9% on the exact day that the promo ran out. Also, they had put inquiries on some of my reports as a result of my doing BT's. When I wrote them about it...that they should have been soft rather than hard, they agreed with me and promised to remove the hard inquiries. So, for me, Juniper has been a good experience. They have a great web site, notification alerts and you can even "chat" via internet with their customer service reps.
  10. marc04

    marc04 Well-Known Member

    I got a Juniper Mastercard in May of this year--Credit report pulled--Equifax--score 747. My credit ratios were/are at 6-8%.
    Credit limit-25,000.00
  11. marc04

    marc04 Well-Known Member

    I agree with Mist--excellent company--by the way--instant decision--I am sure they have a certain fico cutoff-Good Luck!!
  12. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Juniper is Columbus Bank & Trust.
  13. fand123

    fand123 Well-Known Member

    I will definetely call and talk to somebody if I get denied. I have heard wonderful things about them. I better start getting my speech ready.
  14. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Personally, I'm scared I'm going to be denied. Even though my Equifax score is in the 740s I'm afraid my current credit usage (avg. 48%) and new mortgage payment are going to be the denial reasons. As Amex LOC said "excessive obligations to income". Oh, well I tried. Thanks for your input.

  15. phylisrn

    phylisrn Well-Known Member

    I was approved for a Juniper card with a CL of 14,000 They pulled Equifax and my score was 746. I am still in the 4 months 0%interest peroid.

  16. gad8

    gad8 Well-Known Member


    Did you apply online? and did you get one of those application pending thingy?
  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    DENIED TWICE F.I.C.O. 685-711
    WIFE DENIED ONCE F.I.C.O. 725-741

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