Well, that's it I am officially done with them....I just got my udated Equifax report with only 1 deletion for a late pay...they actually disputed 2 other accounts with open/never late status....yet did nothing with the 3 collection accounts I have...I am now certain they do not have my best interest in mind and are dragging this out to get more $...oh and Thursday I sent 3 e-mails with questions....none have been answered...do it yourself!! I've learned my lesson...
FYI, they just replied to an email from last week saying my dispute letter for Equifax was sent out today, funny, I just got the updated report this past Saturday....full of s#@t! Anyway, just wanted everyone that's looking to use this service to know the scoop from my experience! I also for the first time did my own disputes on line with experian and equifax....Wish me luck!! Taken matters into my own hands!! ....with the help of this board of course!!
I work at Lexington Law Firm and I am very concerned about the experience you had with us. I have spoken with several members of our staff to see why we did not respond to your emails. This is not typical, nor is it acceptable and I am committed to seeing that this does not happen again. Our commitment is a 24-hour response to each email we receive. I can understand your frustration. As a client you deserve a timely response. We would like to have an opportunity to speak with you to find out how we can better serve you. I would encourage you to call our office and speak with your personal Client Advocate. We think email is great, but sometimes it is much easier to resolve issues over the phone. As a client I am sure you are aware that we do not charge you to call us. Our number is 1-800-341-8441. If you ever find that you are not satisfied with our response, please let me know and I will follow up with you personally.
Excellent response, Cory. Although I believe "soup" here is surely legitimate and will take you up on your offer to set things right, you should remember that we have seen quite a few "fake" Creditnet members who are against credit repair organizations just on principle and who've made it a mission to evangelize that cause. ("Fake," in this context means pseudonymous, lol.) I suspect that these people are really just one person, but that's another story, heh. For that reason, it wouldn't surprise me to see more people with relatively unknown Creditnet track records piling on with similar complaints (or simply with "huzzahs") in short order. Regardless, soup, do take Cory up on his offer to ensure your customer satisfaction which may well include refunds. After doing so, keep us posted here with respect to exactly how they handled this important customer service issue. Doc P.S. Of course there are legitimate Creditnet members who oppose credit repair organizations for their own excellent and well thought-out reasons. Those respected individuals are well known to many of us, and I'm certainly not referring to them. Reasonable people can and do disagree on the merits of credit repair firms.
Just wanted to add my $.02. As I've stated on this board before I used Lexington in the past for ~9 months. In this time they managed to get 23 derogatory listing removed from my 3 files. I probably could have gotten many, if not all, of these removed by challenging myself, but for me personally it was worth the price to have them do it. I quit using them about 6 months ago, but for me they did exactly as they promised and I felt that I got my moneys worth. Kirk
Alas, I too was a Lexington client for 9 months out of pure laziness. They did do me some good, but my main reason for signing up with them was not the "Lexington" part. I was attracted to the "Law Firm" part. I thought I was enlisting the aid of some foaming at the mouth attorneys that specialize in credit litigation so I enrolled in their premium service. I figured they could make mincemeat out of tough credit problems. Not so. Unfortunately, the actual attorneys are really not involved at all. They have a pool of clerks, like any credit repair firm, that send disputes to CRA's and that's basically it. If you enroll in the more expensive premium service, they will call and argue directly with the creditors. That's right, phone calls. They do not do any of the more effective techniques that actually rock the tough stuff. Even with the premium service they don't EVER send anything out via certified mail ever. I could tell more, but I am not trying to trash them, they did help me a little. But as they learned this or that about credit score building, they would send out little emails. Everything they ever told me I learned elsewhere months earlier. The real skinny on building my score and cleaning up my mess came through my own accord. And during the entire 9 months they weren't able to do anything with my discharged chapter 7 from 5 years ago. Or Cingular Wireless for that matter. But all of that is moot now, those last items are soon to be history because of resources I have gathered from this board, of this I am confident.
Superadman, what have you learned about killing the discharged BK 7? Would you share as I have it listed on my Equifax and Experian reports. As I have stated in my earlier post, it was removed by TU as of yesterday. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
PsychDoc, I realize from the last couple of months that I've been here there are a lot of "sneaky" members, I have learned "alot" and know that personally I did a lot of debating before joining Lexington and thought I would share my experience in an effort to help someone out that might be reading, the same way I have benefited from this board. I attempted to call Lexington, as per Cory suggestion a few minutes ago, however the are already closed...I will call tomorrow though. I did receive a call today from my "client advocate" that I will no longer be charged the $35 a month...I sent an email saying I no longer wanted their service...as I've said in the past, when I didn't know, I thought the were the best thing since sliced bread, but unfortunately as the end draws near it seems as though they are dragging out my case to keep taking the $35 a month...they were great in the beginning, maybe they have to many "clients" now, I don't know, but I do know that I have not been happy with them the last 60 days. I'll give my specific example...I have three collection accounts left on my report for truely insignificant amounts....the last updated report I received a few days ago from EQF had 3 disputes...2 for open/never late accounts and 1 for 1 time 30 days late....my frustration came from reading the board and hearing that this is the best time of year to dispute and the collection accounts weren't even disputed...given what they disputed what would you think? When I sent my "client advocate" an email on Thursday, I received a reply on Monday...well by then I just decided to go online and dispute my self...I certainly didn't want to miss out this month and have to wait another year...on a better note, I must say that I feel better that they saw my post and show concern and are willing to talk to me...when my advocate called...all she said was..."we won't be charging you anymore" I am glad she called to confirm but I must say that it would have been nice of her to try and rectify the problem there..I am glad that Cory has though. I will call them tomorrow and let everyone know what happens.
Soup: I had major problems with Lexington. I posted my story here, just look it up under my name. I totally believe anything you have to say about them. I have dealt with Cory. As for a refund, don't waste your breath. You will get a detailed inventory of what they have done for you and how much it would have cost if you used someone else. I personally didn't care. I paid them and everything that was deleted by them reappeared on my reports. My advice is cut your losses and move on. You can do a better job than they could ever hope to. Good luck on your repair and remember your in good company Bobbi
Thanx Bobbi, I will give a call anyway a little later today, give them the benefit of the doubt, see what they have to say and let everyone here know...regardless I just did my own round of disputes on line so I'll probably wait and see what happens with that and keep my $35 in my pocket...thanx for posting, I don't feel dumb or as if I was jumping the gun on lex anymore.....
Just a little input. When a deleted item reappears, it has nothing to do with the credit repair org. It reappears because the creditor calls the cra and says "oh, sorry this is late, but, yes it's accurate" and it is back on your report immediately. The cra must notify you within 5 days of this happening.
I haven't had a problem with anything "reappearing", my problem was that they disputed two positive tradelines, 1 30 day late and disputed none of the 3 collection accounts...that didn't make any sense to me...especially with everyone talking about CHOD...I didn't want to miss out!
Good point, LKH. To expand on that, not only does the CRA need to inform you within 5 days of any reappearance per the FCRA, but you have solid grounds for permanent deletion if you were not so notified. That would be the most cost-effective $20-$75 ever spent to file a small claims lawsuit -- depending upon what your local general sessions court charges. Doc
Oh, I know that Lexington didn't have anything to do with the re-inserted items. I guess I didn't finish my thought on this. What I meant was they didin't do anything about the re-insertions. That was what I was trying to say. Good luck, Soup. It's always worth trying to get your money back. Bobbi
drmgrl6, I wish I could tell you I learned something spectacular regarding removing the 7. I have learned an awful lot in recent months about building scores and removing items, but not that stinkin' 7! I have just enlisted the aid of a "bulldog" to (supposedly) get the 7 removed. I have faith, we'll see what happens.
Well, let me know the outcome WHEN it happens, if you don't mind, so that I can get the "bulldog" to help me as well. Thanks.