Ok, my credit history: I have 3 late pays on my BOA Visa Classic, the last one was in March this year. My credit limit is $1000 on this card.. I also have 1 paid collection from a year ago, which I am currently disputing.. I just got done with rounds disputing my late pays, but they all came back verified. My checking and savings accounts are also now with Bank Of America. In the past (like last month), I have been requesting credit line increases... But, always got denied due to my late pays in March. I have also tried having them change my card to Gold, but they say I have to have $5,000 in an account with them.. blah. I also get denied from all the prime and even some subprime cards due to my freaken 3 late pays ending in March! And probably cause of my paid collection from last year. Anyway, I got my christmas bonus yesterday.. Get this.. $7,000... It was direct diposited into my account... So, combined I have over $9k in BOA checking and savings accounts now... Thinking I have over 5k in accounts with them now, I called again this morning and asked to have my Visa Classic upgraded to Gold. The lady said please hold... Then she said, "We will have to upgrade your limit another $4,000 before we do that... Please hold...".. Then she comes back and says, get this... "The credit increase is available to you.. I upped your limit to $5,000.. And changed your card to Gold"... "You should be getting your card within the next 7-10 business days"... Did this really happen?!?! I cant believe this! This has got to be a dream.. I cant even get a subprime card, and I think BOA just upped me to GOLD! Last month I couldnt even get BOA to add another $500 to my $1,000 credit line... Did they use the fact that I have $9k in accounts with them maybe? They didnt even ask to pull my credit report like they normally do. Or am I just gonna be saddened in 7-10 days with a "We are sorry.. blah blah" letter in the mail... And get denied even though they said yes on the phone. What do you guys think just happened?
It's weird, huh? You kinda get used to being stepped on. All of a sudden, you step out into the light, and people start treating you like a human being, and what's the first thing you do? Get all paranoid. I'm in that phase myself right now. I just posted in another thread (PFB..Mr. Cooke...) what's been going on lately. It's hard to get used to things going my way, but I'm willing to try. Congratulations on your success!
Merry Christmas!! You just got a $7000 bonus...it would be nice to have the credit increase and gold status change but you just got a $7000 bonus! BE HAPPY...I got $0 and my company may be going out of business....Congradulations and if I doesn't come to fruition...YOU GOT A $7000 BONUS!!!
Re: Wow, what did BOA just do to me IT DID GO THROUGH! I just called the automated Bank Of America credit card line to check my available credit, and it said I have $4,000+ available on my card! w00t! Yeah, I am happy about my bonus, but it's not like I really get to see it. It's all going into savings for a nice down payment on a home... Thats why I am working on building my credit to make sure the mortgage goes through without hitches. You would have to understand my work enviroment, it is kind of strange.. lol..
Re: Wow, what did BOA just do to me With a $5000 credit line, you can upgrade that card to Platinum if you like. Congratulations....
Re: Wow, what did BOA just do to me Most likely, there is a clause in your checking account agreement giving B of A the right to take money from your checking account if you default on your B of A credit card. Just check on that and be aware. All in all a great deal for you!! Merry Christmas!!