After getting all of the advice yesterday from a few that know the ropes, about a c/a problem I am having now, I decided to call and ask for documented proof from a c/a that I dealt with in Nov. (way before I found this website) stating that they would not put the account on my credit. I made the mistake of doing the EFT (If anyone else is thinking of doing payments or EFT-DONT DO IT). Anyways the week of receiving my payment they put it on my credit anyways. Even though she said that they wouldn't. I am such a dumba$$. I did not know this prior to finding this site. Now what do I do? I decided that crying all day would do nothing to change this matter. How and when do I dispute this so that I get it removed. It won't even be paid off until March (yes, I gave them authority to EFT until March). Now she is saying everything but she can help me. Now the ball is in their court.
Call them back and tell them to stop any and all future payments, send them an overnight CRRR letter also stating this, get the persons name of whomever you talk to. They will tell you they can't stop automatic payments but they can if there is 5 days before your next payment. Also before they process your automatic payment do they send you a "reminder" notice of which day they are posting it to your checking acct. By law they have to. If they try to get you to keep the payments going, be persistent, tell them no, they went against their word and so will you. Tell them you want faxed to you in writing SIGNED by them that they will remove this item IMMEDIATELY, if they won't tell them to screw. KHM
The next payment is due 12/30. So I have the 5 day window down. What is a CRRR letter and where do I get it. Thank you so much. My heart is racing because I thought about calling the bank and having them stop the EFT's because its cheaper to pay the bounced check fees and the stop payment on than to pay this debt. Please respond asap so that I can do this today!!! You are a life saver.
Certified return receipt, at this point you may be better off sending it by Fedex, the CRRR you can do at the post office, it's that little green card you get back when someone signs for the letter you send. When you call tell the person they have 1 hour to fax you a letter (on their letterhead) saying this item is to be deleted. They will probably say they will delete after full payment is received. That is completely your call if you want to do that. KHM
Okay, tell me if I did okay. Called Tonda, but Janice picked up. I went into semi-detail with her and she automatically transferred me to the supervisor. I told him 1st to stop all future payments on this account. Secondly, I wanted a letter faxed to me stating that they would take this off of my credit. He said that he has had this acct since Sept ( I have never heard from them till nov, and I set up payments in nov) and so he only has to hold...blah...blah....blah...more b/s....blah....blah Well anyways I was furious and he kept coming back saying oh so your not going to pay this debt, etc. etc. I told him Tonda didn't fufill her end of the deal, so neither was I. He said there was some misunderstanding. I told him, that maybe he should talk to his staff before promising that stuff would not go on credit, that was beside the point. One hour. He said Your putting a demand on me? Called my bank (i know the head woman really well) went into semi detail, and she said to fax her a letter today, and she will catch the EFT's and report them as unauthorized. Did I do okay? Thank you for all of your advice. I can breathe again! I still owe 554.$ so do you think the odds of being not sued are good. Its an old anesthesia bill from this January. If it's gonna be on my credit anyways ooooh wellllllllll lol
Sounds good to me. Did the guy at the CA offer anything? A letter? A deletion? I would say for such a small amount the odds are you PORBABLY WON'T get sued. My hubby has owed a anesth...whatever bill for quite some time now, we started paying and the CA pissed me off, by not deleting when they said they would (same exact situation as you) so I told them to take the remaining $587 and shove it. I am now in the validation process. MY CA lied to the BBB and said they were reporting this thing correctly (they were reporting the ORIGINAL BALANCE even though I paid $1000 towards it). I sent them a fix it and remove it letter or get sued, and sure enough the day after they signed it they FIXED it (didn't remove it. Try calling the anesthia...whatever, and tell them the CA is breaking a few laws, especially if the guy wouldn't stop payments, tell the anest... that THEY can be held accountable for thier CA's actions and you may be suing the CA for FDCPA violations and that if it comes to that you can and will name the anesthi... in the suit. Tell them to avoid all this to take the bill back and you pay them directly, not the CA. Plus this way the anesth.... doesnt have to pay the CA a commission fee. I know EXACTLY how you feel, I am going through the SAME thing you are. take a deep breath, enjoy Christamas and start validation with the CA while you try and get the anesth.... to help you out. BTW I gave the anesth... a BS story of I thought my ins. company covered it but I guess not. Anyone else have any advice to offer? KHM
Thank you soooooooooo much. Christmas is too close to be going thru this stress. I have got my letters and I am mailing them today. Hopefully this ends good, but like I said, a charge-off or a paid-in-full account is just as bad (from what I have been reading) so if it's gonna be reported I might as well save the 5** plus to pay other bills or other more cooperative creditors/CA's.... Merry Christmas
Yes, it's as if EFT is custom designed to screw you. (Like something from an adult novelty shop, but not enjoyable.) I'd look into just closing the bank account that you've set up for EFT (I'm assuming this is from a checking or savings account). If you do it this way, just make sure you will be able to open another account for yourself, and make sure that the bank will not post any transactions to your account after it is closed (get this assurance from your bank in writing, just in case). When the EFT's stop going through, the CA will call to bully you again. (It worked for them the first time.) That's when you start sending validation letters and your campaign to get this removed from your reports begins in earnest. Admit nothing. Deny everything. Get it in writing. Good luck. -ingenue
I tried to do that once to get out of some stupid magazine EFT, the bank informed me that it can't be done. It is against the law to knowingly close a bank account that has EFT's, without getting the EFT'er to stop any future payments. They said it's like writing a million dollars in checks and closing the account the same day. You would still be responsible for any fees if you closed the account. Could be just my state, but I know it's not just my bank. KHM
I ONLY DO EFT FOR DIRECT DEPOSIT PAYROLL, EFT FOR ON-LINE PAYMENT OF CREDIT CARDS, when I type in the price to pay. I use direct credit card charge for a few things also...
So, you send a certified RRR letter to the entity who is drafting your account, that you want it to stop on xxx date (give them 10 days). The day after that date, you just go close that account. Don't discuss the reasons. Keep copies of your letter and the little green card from the P.O. It is not illegal in any state. They cannot post charges to an account that is closed. They simply bounce the draft with the notation "account closed." I have people do this when an insurance company will not stop drafting after they have cancelled a policy.
What you do, is dispute the EFT, I had the same thing happen to me, I denied the EFT, as unauthorized, immoral, yes, but I go the money back, closed the account, and told the CA to go **** themselves. You will not get in trouble for such a small amount!
I called my bank that same day and the lady that runs the same branch that we use, said for me to fax her a letter stating what company, the eft amounts, dates to go thru, and to cancel them. She said she would not charge my account anything (for 6 Eft's) she would report the payments as unauthorized. My husband called her later because I was afraid, it was like writing a hot check and she told him we could not be charged. I love my bank they always help out any way they can. They know us personally and by name. So I should be okay, don't ya think?
EFT You have to have their permission for them to stop raiding your checking account. This is like having to have a theifs permisison to stop robbing you:
So me telling the supervisor (and other flunkies who work there) they no longer have permission to withdraw from my account doesn't work? I know the one c/a (I'm dealing with 2 at the same time on this darn issue-isn't that nice?) told me fine, I'll put a note in the system and I guess we'll just put it on your credit. (After he already admitted it was put on my credit <<moron>>). The other c/a just kept yelling at me that I hadn't paid this account yadda- yadda- and other b/s. I told both companies on the Dec. 20th. My husband has his own business (with Dad) and they had a customer do a stop payment on check. After he had picked up his RV. Well mom called to the DA's office to see what they could legally. The DA's office told her nothing even though they had the RV in their possession. So I am hoping this is like this situation. A stop payment on Eft. Especially since my bank says they won't authorize these. I just want to be sure I have all the bases covered, if ya know what I mean. So any advice is appreciated.