I know I posted this question a month or so ago, but here goes, again. We are applying for a mortgage this week! I checked my scores again (experian and efq) using my married name. The scores are in the 720 range. None of the "bad stuff" shows up. Prior to getting married (year ago) my scores were about 100 points lower, but improving dramaticaly. Why can't I get a "merged" report? We are working with a friend who owns a mort. brokerage firm, so he will help us out. Does any one know if the scores from my married name could possibly be the only ones pulled? Obviously this would be a remarkable swing of GREAT LUCK. GO SANTA!!!
I'm not sure I understand the question. You want the "bad stuff" to show up? I can't be reading that right. My whole understanding of the universe would come undone. ) BTW, I'm sure if you sent a copy of your marriage license and name change documents, they'd be happy to merge the two reports.
This is absolutely correct. Just send your drivers license, social security card and the things mentioned above and they will merge your files together. My boyfriend went through the same thing and they will also send you an updated copy of your report.
NO, no, no, I don't want them to be merged! I'm just wondering if I can "get away with" using the reports with my married name only when we file for our mortgage. BTW they signed the contract on the house Friday!!! YIPEE. The inspection is Monday. My main concern is them pulling the wrong (read bad) report on me instead of the "good" one with my married name.
Please, anyone. I am meeting with the mort. company today. If anyone knows what might happen, I'd love to know. I don't want to be slammed, red faced, etc. when they pull my report. Thanks to all for help.
I wish I had a good answer for you. I would try, as best I could, to keep all reference to yur maiden name out of the documentation, but that may not be possible. Beyond that, in such a short time frame, I'm not sure I have much of value to offer. With more time I would say leave them separate and start doing the Disputin' Validatin' Shuffle on the other account until you have a number of them knocked off, then push the CRA to combine your reports.
toromio, I have one idea that is pretty unorthodox. I tried to e-mail you, but your e-mail isn't enabled. If you want to send me an e-mail, I'll reply with the details and you can decide what to do with it.