
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by GHONEYHONE, Dec 20, 2001.


    GHONEYHONE Well-Known Member

    does anyone here have a kohls card?? i heard they were very easy to get

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    I think they are. Got instant approval for a 1200 CL this week. I am in GA, they checked TU. My score is 676 and no derogs.
  3. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    I am only at 560+ on TU. Should I try or just forget the inquiry.
  4. soup

    soup Well-Known Member

    I just checked their website and it seems to me you have to snail mail an application....I'm not going to make the effort and waste an Inquiry....
  5. JacquiG

    JacquiG Well-Known Member

    When Kohl's opened here last Spring, I did an instant credit at the store and was approved for $1500. They checked Equifax (GA), my score usually ranges between 620 and 650. They still do instant credit.
  6. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Soup, what are your scores?
  7. Coco

    Coco Well-Known Member

    Kohl's will do instant credit in the store and I think they will give you a 10% off coupon as well. At least they did when I opened mine a couple years ago.

    However, if you have a BK they will not touch you. Don't know if they will overlook any other derogs.
  8. redline

    redline Member

    Kohls denied my wife a card a couple of weeks ago her equifax score is around 616. Pulled an inquiry from TU, not sure about the other 2.


    GHONEYHONE Well-Known Member

    well i applied this morning and got shut down... i guess its because of my bk in 93
  10. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Is this the only derog you have? Which did they pull?
  11. soup

    soup Well-Known Member


    601 equifax
    584 credit expert

    don't know Trans Union....they won't let me use the website...anyone try calling to get access?
  12. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Soup try calling their fraud dept and see what's up with that?

    800-680-7289...press the number that says that you have report in hand...if you have an old file number use it to speak to a live rep.
  13. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member

    What was your score? I have a BK from '92 and was planning to apply for a Kohl's card. Now you have me thinking that I shouldn't!

  14. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    well a big fat decline for me here
  15. miles

    miles Well-Known Member

    Kohl's must have changed their credit standards. I have had a card since 1993. I had a BK 13 on my report then. However, now that I think about it, FICO didn't exist at that time, right?? Kohl's has grown a lot since then so I guess they can be more client selective.

    FYI- Kohl's is pretty good about credit line increases when asked. BUT, they will pull a hard inquiry unless you tell them not to. I called today and received a $300 increase without pulling my report.
  16. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Well, I still managed to spend about $1500 in there due to all of the incredible sales they had. Maybe I will fax a copy of my receipt and ask for reconsideration?
  17. Coco

    Coco Well-Known Member

    That's what I would do. If you charged it, I would emphasize that in my request for reconsideration. Maybe PFB will help.

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