That is the pit fall with mailing on receipt.It doesn't give you enough lead time between due date and date mailed.My method eleminates that problem! ========= How does this put the the postal service under your control????? ???????? ????? ?? ?
I Put date mailed under my return address on the envelope and make a copy of the envelope before I mail it. On the check I write ====This check paid the bill due 11-25-01 in full on 11-1-01.
It don't matter when they get around to posting a payment -It is still legally paid on the day they receive it. By you doing it this way you have 24 days for the payment to get there as opposed to 10 to 14 days when mailing on date received. This extra time will more than offset not having a payment stub!
If you really want access to a computer, you can go to the library, they have them available there.
Are you sure? My credit cards all informed me that if I make a payment before the statement ends (not beforethe due date) that I am just paying down the balance and it will not illiminate my next scheduled payment. As long as they get it after they have sent out the new statement you're ok, but if they get it before you still have to make another payment. KHM
Same stuff you're usually on I was kidding, I thought being the resident FICO basher, you might find humor in it.
Yes, I should have been more clear. I use my previous month's statement stub to mail in my payment early, but not before the current statement end date. My statement end date for my example is the 26th (the day after the due date). So the schedule goes like this: 25th - due date 26th - statement date 1st - mail payment approx. 6th - payment posted approx. 8th - statement received It should also be noted that making payment early in the cycle will lower your average daily balance more than making your payment "on time." IF you carry a balance, this will make your monthly interest very slightly lower each month. -ingenue